Breast Surgery Hawaii cancer survivor
Breast surgery Hawaii gifts breast cancer survivor several reconstructive opcijas.No these women, approximately 25% choose breast reconstruction.Dažiem patients to choose breast implants, which can be converted krūts… [more...]
Date: 2010-10-03 23:31:30
Blog posts
steel construction building – Grow Breast – Great Reasons to Get ...
Cosmetic breast surgery, such as augmentation, is popular with women everywhere. There are lots of good reasons to get these procedures. These days, with the price of plastic surgery lower than ever, it’s an option for anyone. A skilled plastic surgeon can do exactly what you need. Whether you want to boost, reduce, or just shape your breasts how you want them, cosmetic surgery offers an array of options. * Nature makes mistakes. A large number of women are born with breasts in unnatural or irregular shapes. Many women have to suffer through their whole adolescence with asymmetry issues, [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 20:26:22
Breast reconstruction is different for everyone - Community ...
Breast reconstruction surgery — and whether to have it done — is a very personal decision. Some women may consult with a plastic/reconstructive surgeon prior to a mastectomy or double mastectomy, while others may choose to wait, or are advised to wait, by their oncologist. Either way, the goal of the surgery is to restore symmetry and a sense of normalcy for the patient. Reconstructive surgery options usually fall into one of two categories. Tissue expansion involves a series of surgeries that stretch the skin and muscle of the chest to allow a breast implant to be placed. This occurs over [more...]
Date: 2010-10-04 11:59:00
Breast Cancer Treatments – How is Breast Cancer Treated ...
Depending on what the boards the cancer is in, surgery or a lumpectomy (removal of just the lump) might be necessary. Lumpectomy is used for a breast conservation surgery where they want to keep the breast. But, removal of the entire [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 08:08:29
Plastic surgery blog:Mammogram confusion still in the air
When should you get a mammogram? Depends on who you ask According to The Orange County Register the rules used to be simple.Starting at age 40, a woman would have a mammogram every year, a screening strategy intended to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages. But nearly a year ago, that simple guideline received a severe shake-up by a federal panel tasked with determining the best, most cost-effective ways to provide preventive care. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released breast cancer screening recommendations in November, calling for routine mammography for breast cancer to [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 02:08:54
Laryngeal cancer chemotherapy&View all uterine sarcoma ...
cancer chemotherapy is the use of drugs to treat cancer. Chemotherapy to the body it can act on the characteristics and tumor surgery and (or) tumor with radiation therapy resulted in tumor formation and development of comprehensive treatment. Currently, the clinical application of cancer chemotherapy have four ways. (1) radical chemotherapy to chemotherapy, can be cured by chemotherapy or total control of the tumor is often used radical chemotherapy, such as choriocarcinoma, acute leukemia, malignant lymphoma, testicular cancer, Wilms tumor, neuroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma and other [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 16:57:53
Changing Breast Cancer Care | Find Plastic Surgeons
We've come a long way in breast cancer treatment. A mastectomy began as surgery where everything in the breast area was surgically removed, later more muscle was left, now more skin is left so that patients have more choices. [more...]
Date: 2010-10-04 23:03:56
Breast Cancer Walk | Aguiar Plastic Surgery
Aguiar Plastic Surgery was honored and excited to sponsor the Working Women of Tampa Bay “Race for the Cure” Team. The team of 30 met early, October 2, 2010 for their 3.2 mile walk. It was a beautiful, sunny morning and the Team was excited and ... At the end of the walk, the Working Women of Tampa Bay celebrated with some hugs and high 5′s!!! If you are looking for a WONDERFUL, FUN group of women to network with in the Bay Area, check out Working Women of Tampa Bay. [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 14:23:14
Drugs before surgery help women avoid mastectomies - CNBC
Taking hormone-blocking pills for a few months before breast cancer surgery can shrink tumors and allow many women to have just the lump removed instead of the whole breast, a new study suggests.This approach is sometimes tried now in Europe, and the study was the first large test of it in the United States. It won't change practice right away; a second study is starting to try to repeat the results and identify which drugs work best.Ultimately, though, this new approach could affect the care of tens of thousands of women each year with large tumors whose growth is fueled by estrogen. It [more...]
Date: 2010-09-29 22:18:00
Is Breast Enlargement Surgery Safe In New York?
Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. [more...]
Date: 2010-09-26 10:40:45
Opting out of reconstructive breast surgery
At the same time, the surgeon suggested reconstructive breast surgery, a cosmetic procedure that is aimed at giving patients two balanced, symmetrical breasts. It usually occurs at the same time as the mastectomy, but patients can choose to have reconstructive surgery at a later date. Breast implants or the use of living tissue taken from another part of the patient’s body are the two main methods of reconstruction. Patients also have the option of preserving the outside skin and nipple taken from their breasts during the mastectomy and using it in the reconstruction process. In [more...]
Date: 2010-10-01 14:53:43
Drugs before surgery help women avoid mastectomies
drugs would work well enough to allow more of these women to be treated without removing their breasts. Tamoxifen used to be the gold standard hormone blocker, but newer drugs called aromatase inhibitors do the job with fewer side effects. The women in the study were randomly assigned to get one of three such medicines: Pfizer Inc.'s Aromasin, Novartis' Femara or AstraZeneca PLC's Arimidex. They cost from $340 to $420 a month, although Arimidex is available in generic form and patents on the others expire within a few years. After four months, 71 percent on Femara, 67 percent on Arimidex [more...]
Date: 2010-09-29 05:00:00
anyone watching Today show-breast cancer
Would you choose surgery before diagnosis? Let's discuss. Personally, I would without a doubt have a double masectomy if the odds were that high. I am trying to watch and really listen, but O is performing in her ballet clothes so I am probably missing some [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 12:17:17
To: Rev. Terry Jones from Mark Williams. Do not burn the Qu'ran ...
Although growth stimulators are not real A face lift surgery done from Indian cancer surgery hospitals viagra ersatz most experienced spine surgeons are best at developing that all-important rapport with your legal medical case ... Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation every year, and it all kamagra 100 mg depends on the top five non-surgical procedures most requested by women are turning towards Chinese medicine uses this property of kidney rock when they are carrying. [more...]
Date: 2010-09-07 22:41:51
Survey Finds Nearly Half of Breast Cancer Patients Do Not Receive ...
How they would feel after reconstruction – 30.8% How they would look after reconstruction – 31.5% Future breast health – 22.9% Risks and benefits of reconstruction at the point of mastectomy vs. at a later point – 14% Details of each procedure– 15.2% When asked to rate how influential various psychosocial factors were in their decision to undergo reconstruction, participants reported the following: Greatest influence on decision-making process: Body image – 60.5% Physical appearance – 64.4% Least influence in decision-making process: Financial concerns – 69% Opinions of others [more...]
Date: 2010-09-29 19:23:45
Drugs Before Surgery Help Women Avoid Mastectomies
Taking hormone-blocking pills for a few months before breast cancer surgery can shrink tumors and allow many women to have just the lump removed instead of the whole breast, a new study suggests. This approach is sometimes tried now in [more...]
Date: 2010-09-29 07:00:00
Reconstruction After Mastectomy | Health News | Gambit New Orleans
Women facing breast cancer can learn about reconstruction after mastectomy at an EnCourage Support Group meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12 at The Center for Restorative Breast Surgery (CRBS) (1717 St. Charles Ave., 899-2800; The meeting is organized by CRBS microsurgeons Drs. Scott Sullivan and Frank DellaCroce and Dr. Christopher Trahan in partnership with the American Cancer Society and Young Survivors. The talk is free but reservations are required. Call Katie at 899-2800. — Kandace Power [more...]
Date: 2010-10-05 00:04:01
Mum loses five stone to have breast reconstruction after cancer ...
Young mum Jenna Evans was devastated when she discovered she had breast cancer - but it was her battle with the disease, and the need to lose four stone to have breast reconstruction surgery after a double mastectomy, that transformed [more...]
Date: 2010-09-25 12:19:00
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer undergo surgery in order to remove cancerous lumps. The two most common surgeries that women undergo are lumpectomies and mastectomies. This is usually the first step when breast cancer is discovered because it stops the spread of cancer throughout the body. At Pearl, not only do we accommodate plastic surgery recovery but also recovery from any type of surgery where a woman needs to heal. We hope to accommodate anyone in need of a relaxing, zen-like recovery whether the woman needs aftercare for a mastectomy or aftercare for a reconstructive [more...]
Date: 2010-10-05 23:12:05
Breast Cancer Video: Complications With Mastectomy and Breast ...
From Oregon - Research published in the Archives of Surgery describes common complications following mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Studying over 300 women who underwent mastectomy, researchers found that roughly 50% of women who [more...]
Date: 2010-09-25 04:19:26
Breast Reconstruction Surgery after a Mastectomy This 3D healing existence depicts 3 opposite sorts of breast reformation operation following the mastectomy procession due to breast cancer, together with the latissimus dorsi flesh flap; an intestinal flesh (TRAM) flap; as well as fake breast implant. ANCE00180 Related Posts Breast Cancer Surgery: Lumpectomy, Mastectomy Breast Cancer surgery in India under JCI approved surgeons. Tips to Help Sexual Recovery After Breast Cancer Surgery Breast Cancer Surgery Loss of Motion Mastectomy and Breast Implants Part 1 procommenter Says: 29. September 2010 at 10:05 pm In the 19th [more...]
Date: 2010-09-29 21:40:41
Slideshow: Celebrity breast cancer survivors
In 2007, Kotb underwent a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery for breast cancer and has since become an advocate for breast cancer awareness. In order to educate her viewers, Kotb gave the Today Show permission to take a candid look at her treatment; after she was announced cancer-free her story was documented on the show. (AP Photo/Peter Kramer) Judy Eason McIntyre Judy Eason McIntyre was elected to the Oklahoma State Senate District 11 in 2004, and was elected and served in the House of Representatives for District 73 for 2002-2004. Eason McIntyre was diagnosed with breast cancer in [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 12:02:15
Breast Reconstruction with Breast Implants
Breast reconstruction is a procedure that can restore the shape of the breast after mastectomy where one or both breasts may be removed. ... This may require an additional surgery. Then there is the risk that after the reconstructive surgery, another cancer grew and this may have to involve some radiation therapy, the implants may have to be removed if this is the case. The radiation can sometimes leave the skin discoloured or even damaged and the doctors may have to [more...]
Date: 2010-09-27 19:30:01
Determining Breast Cancer Risk Before Elective Plastic Surgery
Sean Younai, who is a part of of a American Society of Plastic Surgeons as well as house approved for a American Board of Plastic Surgery additionally stresses a significance of breast make reserve preparation generally amongst those during risk for breast cancer. Early involvement with quite tall risk women can meant they can select from some-more surgical as well as reconstructive procedures. Also, reconstructive operation as well as cultured cosmetic operation of a breasts, such as breast lift operation (Mastopexy) if finished during a same time, can additionally optimize a cosmetic [more...]
Date: 2010-10-03 08:55:36
Plastic Surgeons Cry Foul Over 'Botax' Proposal In Senate Health ...
The New Jersey tax applies to such procedures as hair transplants, cosmetic injections, dermabrasion, laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, laser treatment of leg veins, cosmetic dentistry and breast augmentation. It doesn't apply to everything - for example, post-cancer reconstructive breast surgery is not subject to the tax. Plastic surgeons said the proposed federal tax would be troublesome because it would be difficult to determine which procedures are elective and which are medically necessary. Is The Tax Unfair to Job-Seekers? Devon Herrick, a health economist at the [more...]
Date: 2009-11-20 15:25:00
Today Wellness – rtv silicone
cosmetic treatments have become a popular elective surgery for many people in today's society. Cosmetic surgery involves surgical interventions performed by a plastic surgeon or plastic to improve the aesthetics of a particular part of the body. There are a number of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic skin treatments available in cosmetic treatments for face, body treatments and even by hand. Cosmetic surgery can not only improve appearance but can also have positive effects on emotional and psychological. cosmetic procedures like breast augmentation or a Tummy Tuck may have a significant [more...]
Date: 2010-10-01 06:02:40
Denser Breasts Raise Odds of Second Breast Cancer, Study Finds ...
In the most recent study, conducted from 1990 to 1997, Habel's team followed 935 women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer (DCIS) who underwent breast-conserving surgery. The follow-up was for a median of more than eight years. During that time, 164 (18 percent), had a second cancer in the same breast, and 59 (6 percent) had a new cancer in the opposite breast. Habel said she can't explain the higher risk for the opposite breast. "What we do see is, the amount of density is quite similar in both breasts," she said. Previous research has established breast density, which is influenced [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 16:00:25
Dr. Marcia V. Ormsby – Female Plastic Surgeon in Annapolis ...
Annapolis Aesthetic Surgery Dr. Marcia Ormsby Plastic Surgeon Annapolis, MD (Vocus) October 1, 2010 Dr. Marcia V. Ormsby, a plastic surgeon in Annapolis, is announcing the launch of an innovative website to support her exacting and artistic approach that she has implemented with her practice to ensure that all the needs of her patients are met. This interactive website provides online visitors with a comprehensive overview of Dr. Ormsby’s Annapolis Aesthetic Surgery, as well as detailed descriptions of all surgical and non-invasive cosmetic procedures available, a doctor biography, and [more...]
Date: 2010-10-02 10:37:46
A Little Pain, a Life Saved | Science Magazine News
And we just kind of fell apart." The diagnosis was stage 2 breast cancer, mainly, she said, because there were two tumors and they were in different quadrants. Fought had a mastectomy, with reconstructive surgery a month later. The surgery went well, but a sentinel node biopsy performed at the time revealed microscopic evidence of possible metastasis. And she said her surgeon also didn't feel comfortable with the amount of margin between her chest wall and the cancerous tissue. For those reasons, Fought said, she had chemotherapy and radiation therapy after the surgery. "To me, my treatment [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 18:19:56
Everything You Need To Know About Breast Cancer « K-EARTH 101 ...
Everything You Need To Know About Breast Cancer Nadia Noir // Staff Writer Health & Fitness 10/4/2010 3:28 pm October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and while breast cancer is a scary thing to think about, it’s better to be “aware,” especially since the survival rate for breast cancer caught in Stage One is 100%. What else should you know about breast cancer to help keep you healthy? Screenings Self-exams: “Research has shown that there are no significant benefits to doing monthly self-exams,” explains Therese B. Bevers, MD, medical director of the Cancer Prevention [more...]
Date: 2010-10-04 22:28:01
All4Women - Help raise breast cancer awareness - with a pink ...
Throughout the month of October, Mugg & Bean stores nationwide will be serving ‘pink’ cappuccinos in support of breast cancer awareness and education. For most women, one of life’s most treasured treats is a heart-to-heart with a close girlfriend over a cup of coffee. During October, coffee-loving bosom buddies who pop in to a Mugg & Bean coffee shop will be in for a ‘pink’ surprise Known as the ‘Pink Mugg Shot’, the initiative is a partnership between Novartis Oncology and Mugg & Bean coffee shops. These organisations joined forces on the initiative in a bid to find a novel [more...]
Date: 2010-10-06 06:50:00
5 Things Young Women Must Know About Breast Cancer
Just a few months before learning that she had breast cancer, Christina Applegate got a shocking insight into the struggles faced by other young women also at high risk for the disease -- and who don’t have the resources of a Hollywood celebrity. Because her mother had battled breast cancer and ovarian cancer, Applegate had been going for regular mammograms since age 30. “But when I turned 36, my doctor said that my breasts were just too dense for mammography alone, and he referred me for screening MRIs at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,” she recalls. “After my second MRI, the patient [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 19:52:59
From Infertility To Breast Cancer: When Things are “Okay Enough”
Yesterday, one of my best girlfriends went for an MRI as a follow up on her breast cancer surgery. She had a lumpectomy. There were secondary infections too – things that lingered long after the surgery – and these days my beautiful friend is “Okay enough”. These strong women – women who I would never ever think of as getting sick – have danced with cancer and infertility. And it changes everything. I don’t think that their infertility or the medications – caused the breast cancer. I really don’t. I don’t know why we get what we get – genetics, environment, toxins, bad [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 12:27:03
breast cancer misdiagnosis lawsuit – An Overview of Medical ...
According to JAMA – Journal of the American Medical AssociationMedical malpractice has become the third leading cause of death in the United States, after deaths from heart disease and cancer. ... The Types of Breast Cancer Surgery What is Breast Cancer? The term breast cancer refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. The breast is composed of two main types of tissues: glandular tissues and stromal (supporting) tissues. [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 10:05:35
One Stitch Facelift
The “instant” face-lift consists of four stages, Walden explained: the insertion of the barbed thread, then the deployment of the suture material, followed by the anchoring of the soft tissues and then the fixation into place. There’s one superlong, supersneaky suture. And yes, the needle is big. Angelica Kavouni, 47, told the Daily Mail that she was unhappy with her “increasingly jowly” appearance. She decided to give the “one-stitch face-lift” — also called a thread lift or an iGuide — a try with plastic surgeon. Hardy experienced minimal side-effects from the 40-minute [more...]
Date: 2010-10-01 13:42:49
BLUE ENCOURAGE YOU TO GO PINK! - Winnipeg Blue Bombers
“My breast reconstruction surgery made the difference between surviving and thriving after breast cancer,” says Stephen. “I still look like me, feel like me, and can sometimes even forget I had cancer. This surgery is an extraordinary gift for women with breast cancer.” Dr. Ethel MacIntosh and Dr. Ed Buchel of the Health Sciences Centre performed Stephen’s mastectomy and immediate reconstructive surgery and strive to do so for every woman with breast cancer in Manitoba who needs it. The positive outcome and gratitude Stephen feels for everyone who supported her and her family [more...]
Date: 2010-10-05 13:35:00
How can someone get pro-bono cosmetic plastic surgery procedures done?
theartofthefake asked: Does anyone know of a way a person could be considered as a medical students practice subject, and maybe could act as their practice subject throughout their cosmetic plastic surgery training, in order to receive cosmetic plastic surgical procedures free of charge? Or is there a way to be considered for pro-bono cosmetic plastic surgery? Liam This entry was posted on Sunday, October 3rd, 2010 at 6:20 pm and is filed under Cosmetic surgery. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. 4 Responses [more...]
Date: 2010-10-03 18:20:01
Surgeons Impact Breast Reconstruction Rate In Mastectomy Patients ...
The CanSORT study found that two-thirds of women who undergo mastectomy do not go on to have breast reconstruction surgery. Although there are a variety of reasons a woman may not seek breast reconstruction after undergoing mastectomy, according to the study, 31 percent of the variation in mastectomy patients’ tendency to seek breast reconstruction could be attributed solely to how often the patient’s surgeon talked to a plastic surgeon prior to initial surgery. “Patients with similar characteristics or preferences may get a different story from different surgeons – and this depends [more...]
Date: 2010-09-20 08:40:02
Race for the Cure Brunch - 10.10.10 - Cosmetic Surgery | Admire ...
Board Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery Former Chief of Plastic Surgery, University Medical Center, Tucson, Arizona Former Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine Saint Louis University Coordinated General & Plastic Surgery Residency University of Arizona College of Medicine Consultant Arizona Medical Board Phoenix Magazine Top Doctor Named one of the “Best Plastic Surgeons in America” - Madison Media & Southwest Spirit Magazine Hello TEAM ADMIRE! Get your walking shoes ready! We are only a few days away. Just a few last minute reminders: We [more...]
Date: 2010-10-06 22:10:44
Katy Texas Lifestyles & Homes Magazine » Medical Profiles
With locations in Houston, Katy and The Woodlands they are easily accessible from most locations in the Houston area. 462 Mason Road, Suite 100 • 281-900-5912 * GRAND VISION CENTER BRETT DONALDSON, O.D. RYANN DONALDSON, O.D. Drs. Brett and Ryann Donaldson at Grand Vision Center provide comprehensive eye care for adults and children. This dynamic duo of brothers, therapeutic optometrists and optometric glaucoma specialists provide Katy patients with the highest quality eye care. Both graduated from University of Houston – College of Optometry. 1534 South Grand [more...]
Date: 2010-07-01 02:06:51
Breast Cancer Reconstruction After Mastectomy With Abdominal Flaps ...
Dr Chrysopoulo is board certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and specializes in breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy for breast cancer, including the DIEP flap breast reconstruction procedure. Please also visit his Breast Reconstruction Blog for the latest information in reconstructive breast surgery. This entry was posted on Friday, September 3rd, 2010 at 4:47 am and is filed under cancer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own [more...]
Date: 2010-09-03 08:47:33
How Do The Best Plastic Surgeons Define Reconstructive Surgery and ...
How Do The Best Plastic Surgeons Define Reconstructive Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery? How Do The Best Plastic Surgeons Define Reconstructive Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery? There are two distinct types of plastic surgery that we hear about in the news today. At times, there is confusion among the public as to what plastic surgery entails and what the different types are. There can be some stigma in some people’s minds when it comes to some kinds of cosmetic surgery procedures. Especially, when you have celebrities like Heidi Montag who abuse cosmetic surgery. Just because the name includes the [more...]
Date: 2010-09-28 19:06:42
Breast Reconstruction after Breast-Cancer Surgery — NEJM
Cordeiro (Oct. 9 issue)1 describes a patient who may undergo postoperative radiation therapy after mastectomy. He states that the best therapeutic option would be prosthesis-based breast reconstruction. Because of the patient's limited abdominal tissue, the possible use of the superior gluteal artery perforator (SGAP) flap is mentioned but rejected in favor of an expander–implant approach. However, this operative approach is at odds with the results of several studies confirming the significantly increased risk of capsular contracture and other secondary complications in patients who [more...]
Date: 2009-01-21 21:55:34
Occular Nutrition | AliveMax Nutrition
A consultation plan can help raise awareness of healthy eating and good lifestyle. A consultation diet not only gives advice on diet and nutrition for proper body weight ideal, but also provides advice on appropriate exercise program. Exercise and a healthy diet provides general welfare …. Please log onto: Send your request: Get a Quote We Care Core Values We have a very simple business model that allows you to keep the center. With industry of the most elaborate and exclusive Patient Care and Clinical Coordination teams stationed at each partner hospital, we [more...]
Date: 2010-10-03 11:02:24
Plastic surgery blog:What are different kinds of breast cancer?
Plastic surgery blog:What are different kinds of breast cancer? According to channel 10 news although scientists are still unsure of what actually causes breast cancer, research and media attention have made certain facts about the disease widely available. Most people now know what to look for when performing a breast self-exam, and that both men and women are affected by the disease. However, many are unaware that breast cancer is a blanket term for a number of different types of cancer that occur in the breast, all of which may manifest themselves in different ways. Breast cancer is the [more...]
Date: 2010-10-04 22:03:40
Dr. Michelle Copeland » October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Today, there is much more known about breast cancer and treatment, as well as improved reconstructive surgery techniques that give women better choices. It is now well accepted to undergo reconstruction in the same operation as a mastectomy, where a new breast can be created using the patient’s own tissue. There is no reason a woman undergoing a mastectomy can’t wake up with both breasts intact. For the woman who is wary of implants, being able to use part of her body to heal herself, to make herself whole again, is enormously appealing. You can find out more on breast reconstruction [more...]
Date: 2010-10-05 14:16:55
Breast cancer and your man - SweetTalk on the Spot
”I guess my alternative is to get a tattoo and maybe plastic surgery,” Hackbart said in an interview with the Denver Post. “I guess I’d probably have them put ‘I survived.’” In this country over 400 men a year die of breast cancer. People say that breast cancer awareness month scares people from getting checked, but what is scarier is waiting too long. Early detection is one of the most important things to remember when ANYTHING on your body does not seem right. Do not put it off whatever it is, get it checked, get a second opinion, do your research, your family will thank [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 19:29:37
Local Businesses Step Up to Raise Awareness of Breast Cancer | 3BL ...
The Breast Form Fund (BFF) was founded in 1994 to offer financial assistance to uninsured and under-insured women to purchase breast prostheses and post-mastectomy bras after breast cancer surgery. These products help women regain their sense of beauty and self-assurance after surgery and for years to come. The Breast Form Fund offers assistance to women of all ages and cultural backgrounds who live in Massachusetts. In addition to providing funds for women, The Breast Form Fund's intention is to increase awareness of breast health. For more information, please visit [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 00:30:00
True Breast Cancer Awareness Inspiration| Keri Torres | Woodhouse ...
One evening in July of 2009, she discovered a small lump in her breast. Thankfully it was palpable and undeniably present. After discovering the lump, she began what was to be a solid 9 months of aggressive surgery and treatments. She underwent a mammogram, sonogram, and a biopsy – all of which revealed that this lump was in fact a malignant tumor by her breast diseases surgeon, Dr. Kathryn Wagner. Keri was 31 years old when she was then diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer on August 7, 2009. She immediately scheduled her bilateral mastectomy with DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction with Dr. [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 18:27:22
Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery - Cheaper isn't always better ...
Cheaper isn‘t always better. I believe the old saying goes “you get what you pay for.” There was an interesting article on recently in their health section. Not to make light of such an unfortunate situation, but a bar manager in the UK named Ms. Taylor consulted with a couple of different clinics in the UK and found that paying 7500 pounds for a breast augmentation was just not possible for her to afford. She turned her focus to the internet and found a site called CTS Limited (may now be called Bodies Beautiful) that claimed she could get the same expensive plastic [more...]
Date: 2010-09-23 19:27:15