Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about plastic surgery

Liposuction Scottsdale, Liposuction Arizona, Lipo Scottsdale

Liposuction simply banishes fat cells, but does not promise to tighten skin or erase skin blemishes.  Laser assisted liposuction (SlimLipo) can tighten skin. After liposuction, you still need to practice a healthy diet and exercise routine along with your liposuction procedure to keep your svelte new shape? Plastic surgeons who are experienced and specifically trained in Scottsdale liposuction procedures should also be board certified in Plastic Surgery. Contact us today to see how liposuction Arizona procedures can change your body and life for the better!  Call 800-785-9852 to speak to [more...]

Date: 2010-09-30 07:21:12

Blog posts (131) | Videos (32)

What is the best finance company for plastic surgery?

Had gastric bypass surgery in 2001 and then 2 kids since. I want to have plastic surgery to help remove the excess skin that no matter how much I do never comes off. What is the best finance company to go with?? Like this post? Subscribe to my RSS feed and get loads more! this is a good question because i have the same problem. there is a company called care credit (for health-care) they usually deal in dental, cosmetic and vet services and other, etc…you can talk to your bank. call the dr offices and they can tell you some info, as well as lending companies (american finance, etc..) even [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 03:03:07

Linda Evans underwent plastic surgery to keep ... Yanni ...

Linda Evans underwent plastic surgery to keep ... Yanni? Former Dynasty star Linda Evans, 68, underwent a massive cosmetic surgery makeover at 50 in a desperate bid to keep her Greek lover. The actress was 47 when she met and fell for new age musician Yanni, who was 12 years her junior, and she went under the knife three years later in an effort to stay looking young for him. She tells the Globe, "I wanted to still look good because I was with him - and so I could feel better about the age difference." "I was 50 and things were starting to fall and get creepy and I thought, 'You know, I could [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 18:37:46

Gynecomastia's Top Five Facts | Male Breast Reduction

While gynecomastia surgery is technically difficult and demanding, there are quite a few board-certified plastic surgeons who have mastered it; about 17,000 operations were done in 2009, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. It’s absolutely not a procedure for neophytes but you should be in good hands if you can locate a plastic surgeon who has many years of experience. (Hint: find one with many — as in hundreds– of before and after gynecomastia surgery pictures.) Although it’s not likely you’ll need one, look for a surgeon who has hospital [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 16:38:11

A board certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles - Join to Earn more!

(In some states it is legal for an unqualified physician to perform plastic surgery procedures in which they have received no training)  A plastic Surgeon has to be qualified by the American Society for Plastic Surgeons.  This is particularly important, because if you were to scourge through the web directories looking for plastic surgeons in Los Angeles, chances are you would find out that there are many doctors who actually haven't specialized in the field, yet, practice it. Having a doctor who has a board certification from ASPS means that this plastic surgeon has gone through at [more...]

Date: 2010-09-13 15:22:30

Proved & Effective, Rejuvenation without Risk « Rosana Sandoval G ...

SU-O1.- In the abundance of options in rejuvenating products and clinical procedures in the fountain of youth, there is a pile of lawsuits against the traditional plastic surgery and invasive treatments that some people put them self in a life threat looking for youth and healthy appearance. One treatment that has been applied for a long time in Europe and USA with long-lasting results for men and women is YOUNGER FACE an external 9 days therapy that produce results of the best facelift without  side effect or life threat risk, it doesn’t require any medications earlier, during or [more...]

Date: 2010-09-17 06:45:44

Breast Reconstruction after Breast-Cancer Surgery — NEJM

Cordeiro (Oct. 9 issue)1 describes a patient who may undergo postoperative radiation therapy after mastectomy. He states that the best therapeutic option would be prosthesis-based breast reconstruction. Because of the patient's limited abdominal tissue, the possible use of the superior gluteal artery perforator (SGAP) flap is mentioned but rejected in favor of an expander–implant approach. However, this operative approach is at odds with the results of several studies confirming the significantly increased risk of capsular contracture and other secondary complications in patients who [more...]

Date: 2009-01-21 21:55:34

Abdominal Liposuction – To Remove Stubborn Belly Fat Deposits

The SmartLipo MPX offers twin benefits – lipolysis and skin tightening by way of its dual wavelengths (1064 nm and 1320 nm). Other features of importance are SmartSense, MultiPlex, and Thermister. Effortless Fat Removal and Skin Tightening SmartLipo affords an effortless method to get rid of belly fat, particularly benefiting the 30 + category of people. Men and women in this age group have a slower rate of body metabolism than their younger counterparts, making it more difficult for them to reduce their tummy. Certain factors are significant when it comes to determining the outcome of [more...]

Date: 2010-10-03 00:25:35

Jane Fonda Tells The Truth About Plastic Surgery « Zoomer Magazine ...

Seventy-two year old fitness fanatic Jane Fonda has decided to speak out about her plastic surgery just before she releases her new book on aging, saying it was one of the toughest decisions to make. Fonda told Entertainment Tonight: “I decided if I’m going to do it, I’m going to tell the truth. I’m writing a book about aging, so I can’t write that book and not say I’ve had plastic surgery. And you know, I just decided it was for me — I don’t want to have bags under my eyes that make me look tired, and so forth and so on.”  As many Zoomers can relate to: “I have a new [more...]

Date: 2010-09-08 12:01:55

Lisa Rinna's Lips – Then & Now

Public reaction to her plastic surgery confession last year also upset her. After finally admitting that in 1986 she had silicone injected into her upper lip – an impulsive decision she made with a girlfriend and likens to getting a tattoo – Rinna says, “I took a big hit for being honest. It gave everyone online permission to lambaste me. It hurt my feelings.” Now, the star of TVLand’s upcoming reality show Harry Loves Lisa (with husband Harry Hamlin) – as well as the author of the new novel Starlit – is ready to keep a stiff upper lip about her new upper lip. “It doesn’t [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 17:09:15

Wrinkles in Time…. « smalltownbiglife

Jump to Comments I just read a blurb about another famous, beautiful person inflicting plastic surgery upon herself and thanks to tabloid journalism and Twitter, the infliction has been shared with the rest of the world as well. Don’t get me wrong, I abhor the thought of being less pretty than I was back in… (save the date). I slather on the moisturizer and the sunscreen, and I wish I had listened to my good, southern mother who tried to talk me into avoiding the sun and wearing one of those ridiculous floppy hats, even when I played tennis. It’s true that “beauty is in the eye of [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 20:06:02

Against the Cosmetic Tax - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner ...

Cosmetic surgery is now primarily consumed not by the rich, but by the working and lower-middle classes, sometimes even by the poor. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), about 1/3 of cosmetic surgery is consumed by people who make less than $30,000 a year.  About 70% of it is consumed by people who make less than $60,000 a year. It is mostly women (90%) and mostly white, middle-aged women (80% and between 35-55 years old). Plus, why tax a good that increases people’s happiness permanently? According to Will Wilkinson (and based on very serious academic [more...]

Date: 2009-11-25 17:08:00

Can A Face Lift Erase Wrinkles?

If you’re thinking about how to get better skin quality, you aren’t alone. People are living with ugly wrinkles and fine lines on a daily basis. You can erase wrinkles, though, with a little patience. A face lift procedure is one of those possible treatment methods. Keep in mind you could opt for less severe measures along the lines of using LifeCell or something similar. You might be thinking a face lift is a bit extreme, but it can be very useful. All surgery comes with some risk, but face lifts are becoming standard procedure these days. Just be sure to hire a trained professional and [more...]

Date: 2010-06-20 02:17:34

Beauty lies in the eye of your surgeon!

Reduction mammoplasty: commonly called breast reduction, it involves a removal of glandular tissue and skin. It is of immense help to women with gigantomastia and it eases shoulder and back pain. Presently, over 10 million cosmetic procedures are performed each year in the US alone, the most common being nasal surgery, liposuction, eyelid surgery, breast augmentation and abdominoplasty. San Francisco based plastic surgeons have earned a good repute for the refined application of their research. Though it is an absolutely personal issue, one must carefully balance the pros and cons of [more...]

Date: 2010-09-30 16:06:01

Antiaging Nutrition – Right Under Our Noses! | Business

The correlation between antiaging and the proper intake of nutrition cannot be understated. Since humans first began to understand the aging process the quest for the fountain of youth has been a mission which has failed to come up with a magical formula that will stop aging in it’s tracks. Antiaging Nutrition Lifestyle disease has affected the western world in plague proportions during the past 50 years. With food processing becoming technologically more advanced, it seems the compromise has been diminished nutrient values; we don’t seem to be getting the proper nutritional value from [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 19:05:44

Connect with Kids : Weekly News Stories : "Reality TV Influences ...

In 2008, 10.2 million cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures were performed in the U.S. and more than 160 thousand were on teenagers, according to Plastic Surgery Research.info. More teenagers are opting to change their appearance. That's according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. In fact, in the past decade, the number of teens opting for a smaller nose, larger breasts and a skinnier waist has increased. Ashleigh, 18, recently had plastic surgery on her nose to correct a bump caused by a childhood injury. "After she had it done she's been a different person," [more...]

Date: 2010-09-29 07:00:00

Eva Amurri

Eva Amurri Tweets Bikini Pics (PHOTOS) Susan Sarandon's daughter, actress Eva Amurri, was at Coachella over the weekend and she tweeted several pics of her relaxing poolside in Palm Springs. »»» Eva Amurri (EAmurri) on Twitter Get short, timely messages from Eva Amurri. Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated information. It's easy to stay updated on an  »»» Eva Amurri Biographical details, trivia, filmography and photographs. »»» The things they say SUSAN SARANDON admits she's struggling to get used to her new found freedom now her two sons with ex-partner Tim [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 05:05:54

What Makes Anti Aging Skin Care the Best? | PLASTIC SURGERY BRAZIL

The best anti aging skin care products are safe, natural and nourishing.   They include a large number of active ingredients that are known to diminish wrinkles, improve firmness, soften, soothe and moisturize. Typical products contain hazardous chemicals, synthetic preservatives, white petroleum jelly, added fragrances and possibly a drop or two of collagen.  They are not safe.   They cause allergic and irritation.   They are far from cheap and most of them have little or no clinical proof of effectiveness. The same clinical studies found that some compounds do in fact work.   When a [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 21:49:00

Creating a More Firm Slender Midsection with Abdominoplasty in ...

Walnut Creek board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Cary Canoun uses abdominoplasty to improve the appearance of of your midsection. Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is used to correct a protruding abdomen resulting from weak abdominal muscles, weight gain or pregnancy. Using abdominoplasty, Dr. Canoun is able to tighten abdominal muscles and remove excess fatty tissue and skin to improve the body’s contour. Liposuction is commonly used in conjunction with abdominoplasty to produce optimal results. It is important to note that andominoplasty is not a form of weight loss. [more...]

Date: 2010-08-10 02:47:43

Anti Aging Skin Care | LUUUX

These range from plastic surgery for total or partial face lifts, chemical peeling, collagen implants, and laser therapies and so on. We have been working with natural substances for skin rejuvenation, as we found that natural extracts, used in specialized treatment, help to minimize the signs that we associate with ageing. You can use a clinical procedure consisting of specialized cleansing and toning, followed by use of the some good mask, which has been endowed by modern techniques and perfected by the substitution of herbal extracts . It should have the extracts that are known to [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 16:44:36

The Do's and Don'ts of Dine-and-Dash - Broward Palm Beach ...

Returning to the scene of the crime is not wise unless, of course, you've drastically changed your look either by way of plastic surgery or a clever disguise.  Do: Dress properly. Wear something that won't hinder your speed. Bring your running shoes, because you're going to need them.You don't want to look like you just came from the gym -- c'mon, this is fine dining after all -- but don't wear heels or a meat dress.   Don't: Bring anyone who is going to slow you down. Dine-and-dash doesn't have to be a solitary activity. Bring along a friend, a family member or anyone who can run fast. [more...]

Date: 2010-09-29 19:08:13

online articles » Cosmetic Surgery Procedures among men (Dr Jay ...

Did you know that a plastic surgery can be performed by any physician in Beverly Hills who has undergone training for surgery? That‘s the reason many doctors advertise about them being a member of the board. But careful examination of their curriculum vitae would tell you that they are not a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. Being a member of his board means, that your plastic surgeon has undergone 2 years of specialized training on plastic surgery in addition to the three to 5 years of training on general surgery that he has undergone. He has to continually update himself [more...]

Date: 2010-10-01 16:31:14

plastic surgeons

The Midwest is largely embracing the art of beauty enhancement as a result of the increasingly widespread popularity of body cosmetic surgery, such as breast augmentation and tummy tucks. Top Cincinnati plastic surgeons are sought after by Ohio residents and patients around the country. An extensive list of specializations and commitment to the natural look that respected Cincinnati plastic surgeons specialize in are heightening the prevalence of plastic surgery in the Cincinnati area.Miami and its environs have long boasted a large and well entrenched group of cosmetic plastic surgery [more...]

Date: 2010-09-13 11:05:27

Will Going Braless = Sagging Breasts? | Dr. Laurie Casas M.D. ...

Question: I tend to go braless a lot when wearing tank tops and camisoles, especially in the summer. Could this have long term negative effects on my breast shape? Do you have any advice for how to help prevent breast sagging or help prevent worsening of my sagging breasts? Answer: If your breasts are not properly supported, your breast ligaments can over stretch, which can make your breasts droop or sag. If your breasts are not supported, gravity can help to make breasts, especially heavy/large ones, sag or droop. It is important even for small breasted women to wear proper fitting bras in [more...]

Date: 2010-09-22 20:51:29

Palmetto Bay

Among the most popular plastic surgery procedures in Palmetto Bay, besides the one listed in the above mentioned sections, are Botox, Liposuction, laser skin resurfacing and tummy tucks all of which are more about looking and feeling better about yourself than about a necessity. However, fr some people, looking and feeling good IS a necessity! Sometimes when you don’t feel good about yourself, it throws everything off, the way you think, the way you feel, your mood and your attitude. Looking into the most popular plastic surgery procedures in Palmetto Bay is a great way to get your [more...]

Date: 2010-09-23 12:09:41

» cost-effective Healthy Lifestyle Lead A Good Life

Surgery, even a mini facelift, can cost a great deal of money, involves pain, bandages, bruising, and discomfort for the patient. And although negligible with the proper surgeon, there?s always the risk involved. There are many surgical and even more non-surgical ways, on how to look younger. Plastic surgery, or cosmetic surgery has its upside and downside. Article Tags: Invasive Face Lift, Invasive Face, Look Younger, Face [more...]

Date: 2010-09-11 01:21:32

Hydroquinone Skin Whitening – Are There Natural Alternatives ...

They are particularly effective for age spots and damage from the sun , while anti aging usually works best with a wrinkle cream. Many age spots will fade on their own with time , particularly if exposure to UV sunlight is reduced.  Reducing sun exposure, wearing a hat and using a good sun-block is one of the safest techniques to use . Enzymes that break down melanin (responsible for the skin’s pigmentation) are another safe alternative.  These enzymes are added to many over-the-counter lotions & creams .  One of the active ingredients is bird guano , specifically those from the Japanese [more...]

Date: 2010-10-04 14:42:39

What Can Plastic Surgery Do For You? | e-marketingground.com

Often people who have had procedures done become much more happy and social, and this is demonstrating to others that many of the potential benefits of plastic surgery are not just physical, but psychological. Seeing the positive effects of plastic surgery on family or friends, people are being made more aware of the strong link between a person’s body image and their personality. If you do start considering having a procedure, it is important that you completely understand what is involved in the procedure before you make your decision. By becoming educated on the procedure first, you will [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 10:17:03

Linda Evans Underwent Plastic Surgery for Lover Yanni!

Linda Evans would have done anything to please her much younger lover. The former 'Dynasty' actress underwent cosmetic surgery makeover when she was 50-year-old, three years after meeting the new age musician Yanni. The singer was 12 years her junior. Evans, now 68-year-old, went under the knife in her effort to keep her Greek lover. "I wanted to still look good because I was with him - and so I could feel better about the age difference. I was 50 and things were starting to fall and get creepy and I thought, 'You know, I could have a little help, and it'd be a good thing...'", she told Globe [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 12:29:31

Are You Ready to be Radiant? | Cheap Tragedies

Are You Ready to be Radiant? Have you ever seen someone walking down the street that had such perfect, radiant, and glowing skin that you just couldn’t help but to stare? Have you ever looked at pictures of those beautiful Hollywood starlets and wondered if the only way to get their healthy and glowing skin was some type of surgical intervention? (Here’s where you can find more detailed information on skin care and skin lightening cream.) Would you believe anyone if they told you that glowing, radiant and healthy skin could be yours and without plastic surgery or expensive creams and [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 08:10:42

board certified cosmetic surgeon

While it may be your face, you rely on your ability GP. If their talent is an old model kit, remember that they have made hundreds, perhaps thousands, of non-surgical facelift with this piece of equipment. Also let your healthcare provider know if you plan on cosmetic surgery of the face with future work. Some procedures may not have done if it follows another type of process. Make sure your healer, there are no conflicts, what you think. Avoid doctors that a disproportionate cost for a consultation. If a doctor wants $ 500 for a'look see 'you in the wrong place. Most of your costs should be [more...]

Date: 2010-05-19 18:38:36

Liposuction in the Philippines: Finding a Cosmetic Surgery Service ...

upper eyelid surgery or eye deepsetting or double eyelid creation eyebags removal noselift or rhinoplasty facelift and browlift wrinkle removal freckle removal Basic Qualifications of a Cosmetic Surgeon in the Philippines cosmetic surgery license board certified liposuction surgery professional or board-eligible plastic surgeon member of duly recognized cosmetic surgeons association in the Philippines must have at least attended 5-6 years of formal training in cosmetic surgery in an accredited and duly recognized hospital in the Philippines years of practice, credentials and experience as a [more...]

Date: 2010-06-30 18:52:30

Cleveland Physician Assistant (Plastic Surgery Main Campus) Job ...

HR Use Only: Physician Assistant (Plastic Surgery Main Campus) Hospital: Cleveland Clinic Main Campus & Family Health Centers Facility: Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Main Campus) Department: Plastic Surgery Job Code: T31170 Schedule: Full Time Shift: Days Hours: 0730a - 5:00 pm Job Details: - Masters Degree Required JOB SUMMARY: Tier III-- Hospital Midlevel Provider (T31170, D29020) With the supervision of a Physician, (as per O.R.C. 4730) performs complete histories and physicals on patients of all ages to establish and record patient's current health status and to develop a working diagnosis [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 23:17:56

anti aging | Tipster Online

A lot of people are fine with getting older they just accept and move on. That really is great and a good attitude. But of course there are some that aren’t so easy with it. With every wrinkle or even something simple as a gray hear they feel less confident. And that really is too bad because there is an easy fix for it. And no, I’m going to talk you in to getting plastic surgery, in fact I’m not going to talk you in to anything. You can however, look into getting anti aging products, as these do work and I’ll show you how. Alright so we know anti aging products won’t yield you the [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 08:00:08

Fraxel Laser Benefits Skin Conditions : Indian market research ...

Pore size increases, the skins pigment becomes less consistent and deep and fine lines and wrinkles appear. To tackle these appearance issues, the Fraxel� Laser Skin Resurfacing treatment was developed to much success and growing popularity. It is a new generation of revolutionary non-invasive skin treatment lasers that does not damage the top layer of skin unlike its predecessors and actually works beneath the surface to treat from the inside out. After numbing the patients skin, a temporary blue mask is applied that highlights the contours of the skin and then the Fraxel® Laser is passed [more...]

Date: 2010-01-24 16:23:51

Tumescent liposuction dallas

Location of clinic: Houston Plastic Surgeon, Houston Cosmetic Surgery Center Cost of vaser liposuction surgery: USD2,800 Area: love handles Review: He’s very gentle and nice. Board Certified and affiliated with a hospital in case you have complications(which I didn’t have). Good results Name of doctors: Dr. Carpenter Lipo Location of clinic: Laser Center, Houston, Tx. Cost of vaser liposuction surgery: USD4,100 Area: Abdomen Review: Wonderful doctor, he is truly concerned about the patients and the results. I have already recommended him to my friends and family. cheap affordable [more...]

Date: 2010-09-20 14:53:34

Different Uses of Plastic Surgery | Dave Dockhorn

It should be mentioned that there are certain risks. Quite apart from the very high fees involved with plastic surgery, there are potential risks with infections or scars. But a good plastic surgeon will tell you all about these risks beforehand. Another reason for having plastic surgery done on yourself (other than improving your looks) is to make your life better. Some people have a physical problem that doesn’t allow them to do things normal people can do. Examples of this is large breasts, droopy eyelids, a big chest, large eyelids and so on. These kinds of things, even though they [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 04:44:44

So is Thermage Wrinkle Removal Honestly Effective and as Safe as ...

Why Manhattan Is A Great Choice For A FaceLift; Home Laser Hair Removal Systems; Bad Plastic Surgery: How To Avoid Getting One; What are the Good Aspects of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures and Treatments? Anti Aging: \”The Do It Yourself [more...]

Date: 2010-02-26 08:16:48

China sees massive rise in teen/adolescent plastic surgery | DWS Extra

Plastic surgery was mostly the domain of middle aged people desperately fighting age, or appeasing vanity. Things are changing in China, where plastic surgery is drawing in Chinese youth in droves. Almost 80% of plastic surgery procedures happening over the course of this summer were on young people in the senior high school – college age group says a study done by the China Medical Treatment Orthopedics and Beauty Association. What has changed in the span of about five years is that whereas earlier young people who were almost out of college came in to fix their bodies, now even younger [more...]

Date: 2010-08-28 20:35:53

Cosmetic Surgeons in Beverly Hills | FactHippo.com

There have been fundamentally dual procedures, surgical as great as non surgical. Surgical procedures have been ever durability as great as raise the contour of the face. You can additionally hindrance the signs of aging (though not finish retreat it), residence the goods of factors caused by pollution, object as great as stress. Among great well known cosmetic operation procedures include, facelift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, chin augmentation, liposuction of the face etc. Cosmetic surgeon Los Angeles There is the skinny line which differentiates Plastic operation as great as cosmetic [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 03:54:35

Trip to Daytona Beach | Plastic - Cosmetic Surgery Information

Everyone needs a vacation. Taking a vacation is a perfect way to add some variety to your life and to refresh your mind and body. If you are looking a great place for your next vacation, you should take Daytona Beach on your top of list. Daytona Beach is a great place to take a vacation because of its warm climate, good beaches, reasonably priced motels, absence of traffic problems, and major car race track. For your accommodation while in Daytona you can choose between hotels. motels, condos, or Daytona Beach vacation homes. There are many things to consider when picking the right hotel. [more...]

Date: 2010-10-01 18:42:05

The Five Telltale Signs of Poor Plastic Surgery « Dr. Benchetrit ...

Mickey Rourke has white scars behind his ear that suggest a Country Club Ear Scar. Photo: Lester Cohen, WireImage The Country Club Ear Scar The most common and difficult cosmetic surgery giveaway to hide, light white scars can often be seen in front of, under, and especially behind the ears. “This is the big one, and you’ll see it all over the country club tennis-playing circles,” says Dr. Freund, who also adds that many women stop wearing ponytails after having a facelift that leaves them with scars. The stubborn marks occur when surgeons pull the skin towards the ear to make it look [more...]

Date: 2010-09-13 19:29:01

Post a Dribble Here! » Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Terribly Wrong

What happens when celebrity plastic surgery goes wrong. Well the plain and simple answer is that it isn’t pretty. Some of the biggest examples of this occuring include the likes of Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Gary Busey, Tara Reid and more. Celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong can be quite an interesting topic if you take a minute from your busy day to read this article we are convinced you will agree that to be the case. Many stars have received everything from nose jobs and rhinoplasty, to boob jobs formerly known as breast enhancements and tummy tucks. Don’t get us wrong, we are [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 13:32:49

Is Cosmetic Surgery Right For You?

For many of us, we go through most of our lives paying minimal attention to our skin. Sure, we moisturize and hopefully use our SPF30 on a regular basis but pamperingour skin on a daily basis is not practical for most people. Then one day we wake up and notice that the face we've paid little attention to over the years has just started looking a little worn. We might begin to see a few morenoticeable lines or we might look a little tired with bags under our eyes. Our eyelids may look a bit droopier and our cheeks might sag a little more than they use to. Ten to twenty years ago there weren't [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 11:00:24

non surgical liposuction

Avoiding surgical practice that the pressure you into procedures you deem appropriate. More importantly, please confirm your licensed cosmetic surgeon explains the risks associated with your non-surgical facelift. Your insurance and non-surgical Face Lift As cosmetic procedures are chosen for the proven fact that your company insurance will pay for your work, nose or chin Tuck be prepared. If non-surgical facelift is cheaper, according to the procedure, you may pay 2 to 3 thousand U.S. dollars. They are worth every penny, but the insurance company will not see that way. If you’re saving for [more...]

Date: 2010-03-18 17:31:04

lisa rinna lips before and after, lisa rinna, lisa rinna plastic ...

lisa rinna lips before and after, lisa rinna, lisa rinna plastic surgery, harry hamlin lisa rinna lips before and after, lisa rinna, lisa rinna plastic surgery, harry hamlin Home shopping:Lisa Rinna gets a lip reduction,Get shopping. Say good-bye to Hollywood Rubbermaid 7J93 Produce Saver Square 8-Piece Set Food Storage Containers The Treasures of Montezuma 2 christina hendricks measurements, christina hendricks, christina hendricks cup size, christina hendricks breast, emmys 2010 mugetsu, bleach wiki, getsuga, bleach 420, wiki 911 memorial, 911 truth, september 11 2001, [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 13:16:11

Can Plastic Surgery Help Solve Your Problem?

Whether other people are bothered or not, we are and the removal of this irritant by a plastic surgeon would mean a lot to us. If you have realistic expectations about what plastic surgery can and cannot do, are in a good psychological position, and have the time set aside to devote to healing after your procedure, you are ready to take the next step and sign up for the procedure of your choice. Find some local clinics where I am sure the staff will arrange for an interview with the surgeon so you can find out if your problem can be handled and how difficult it will be to correct. A quick [more...]

Date: 2010-09-28 16:21:16

Breast Augmentation Photos: A Good Way to Make Informed Breast ...

Breast augmentation surgery is to be approached with care and caution; a boob implant specialist should be consulted for adequate information before embarking on the procedure. Breast augmentation photos are very good for potential candidates of the procedure to have an idea of what to expect from the surgery. However, first hand information about the procedure can only be obtained from a qualified plastic surgeon.  A consultation with the Surgeon will reveal so many things concerning the procedure; one of the aspects of the surgery that should be discussed with the boob job specialist is [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 12:47:49

How do I tighten loose skin on my stomach and hips after losing ...

Does anyone have good tips or advice for tightening loose skin without getting plastic surgery? After having my daughter 3 years ago, I'm just about back at my original weight. However, I'm so self conscious about the looser skin on my [more...]

Date: 2010-10-04 21:54:26

So Why Is Plastic Surgery So Popular?

A good plastic surgeon is part doctor and part artist, and the positive changes they create in the patient are often as much emotional as they are physical. For many people bothered with physical defects from birth, plastic surgery is giving them an opportunity to live without these irritants. It is not surprising, then, that record numbers of people, especially women, are becoming aware of the many potential advantages of having plastic surgery and resolving these problems once and for all. Often people who have had procedures done become much more happy and social, and this is [more...]

Date: 2010-10-02 15:36:30

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