Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about skin resurfacing

Live from the Logosphere: YES WE CAN, YES MAN, The Fool ...

Thus Monotheism and the church being external from the human body are Piscean receeding realities, and the Temple/Church in Man has been occulted until it is time to resurface.Now Saturn and Uranus were conjunct election day, as well as in the 1960s in Scorpio and brought forth rebirth, upheaval, revolution, Androgyny, the spread of eastern thought and sexuality, etc. We are Currently under that very same influence. In the 60s we found Yin and Yang, and the Dao, crowley, Krsna and Shiva. Now we are in the age of "The Secret" and the Da Vinci Code, symbolizing fading christian Piscean [more...]

Date: 2008-11-05 06:11:00

Blog posts (10) | No video

Design Consciousness / Conscious Design: There's no Geist like the ...

America's "Ventura Highway" plays in the background, transporting viewers to AM/FM radio sounds of the 1970s. One reviewer (Booth Moore) likened the soundtrack to a mixtape for a roadtrip. Inspired by a summer spent in Big Sur, Rodarte's collection transports the feel of the Pacific to the Atlantic. West Coast fashion makes its way East. distortedvanity said... Designers are trying to bring out the idea that their designs are not just two pieces of cloth sewn together. They are poetry, a story, a song. Runways are no longer fashion shows. They are becoming fashion installations. They want to [more...]

Date: 2010-09-17 13:51:00

Calling Brandon "obsessed with Nazis" seems restrained now | The ...

"The evidence strongly indicates he had been indoctrinated to some level," said Dan Swanson, a Simi Valley police detective and specialist in neo-Nazi gangs. On the second day of McInerney's preliminary hearing in Ventura County Superior Court, Swanson discounted earlier testimony that McInerney had black and Latino friends at school, contending that white supremacists are accustomed to hiding their true beliefs. Lots more after. A search of McInerney's bedroom and backpack yielded the notebook, seven of Hitler's speeches translated into English and a book about SS troopers who had been [more...]

Date: 2009-07-22 18:30:00

» Truth and Consequences of Health Care Reform - Big Government

The health care reform bill (HR 3962) that just passed the House of Representatives is bad on so many levels it is difficult explain. As it stands, it will destroy the doctor-patient relationship and change the practice of medicine as we know it. We have one of the finest health care systems in the world. It has been built on a foundation of choice. Doctors were free to choose the care that they deem necessary to treat their patients, and patients were free to seek the medical care of their choice. Initially, the foundation was shaken by the rise of the managed care system with capitation. [more...]

Date: 2009-11-15 23:37:13

Radiologie, actualité juridique 2009 | Hospidroit

Radiologie, actualité juridique 2009 Par Omar YAHIA • Le 14/11/09 • Dans Praticiens • Mots-clés: professions de santé > spécialités Bien que l’année 2009 ne soit pas encore finie, on peut d’ores et déjà affirmer que l’actualité juridique de la radiologie pendant les douze derniers mois de la présente année a été particulièrement riche et mouvementée et que, cette fois ci, elle couvre davantage l’activité libérale que l’activité hospitalière. Rechercher une quelconque cohérence dans cette actualité paraît relever de l’exploit dans la mesure où la [more...]

Date: 2009-11-13 23:01:03

Paolo Bonolis ha già vinto il suo Sanremo | Il blog di Daniele ...

In tempi di recessione 108 euro annui di tassa di possesso del televisore che incassa interamente la Rai sono troppi, fuori dal tempo e immeritati per merci come la Talpa, Milo Infante, Gianni Riotta, Luca Giurato, Carlo Conti, Simona Ventura o il serioso predicatore di buona informazione (solo a parole) Lamberto Sposini trasformato tutto gossip per esigenze di ego e di portafogli. La Rai è lontana anni luce dal metodo dell’azienda pubblica. Un’azienda che fa servizio pubblico dovrebbe fare concorsi trasparenti, disporre soltanto di personale a tempo determinato che favorisca turn [more...]

Date: 2008-10-23 09:49:38

Suppression des fonctions du chef de service par suite de la ...

Suppression des fonctions du chef de service par suite de la disparition du service, pas de consultation préalable Par Omar YAHIA • Le 17/7/09 • Dans Praticiens • Il arrive parfois aux établissements de se réorganiser. Les réorganisations entraînent quelquefois des victimes collatérales. Parmi ces dernières a compté un chef de service qui s’est insurgé contre le sort qui lui était réservé. C’est ce dont il ressort de la décision du conseil d’État en date du 30 mars 20091. En effet, par délibération du 19 décembre 2002, le conseil d’administration du centre [more...]

Date: 2009-07-17 22:35:22

Dialetto italiacano, coito tutto italiano | Il blog di Daniele ...

La Lega propone un test di dialetto agli insegnanti di scuola? Farebbe meglio chiedere un esame di inglese, francese o tedesco ad ogni aspirante votante. Un modo intelligente per impedire ai somari l’ingresso alle urne. Gli stessi che hanno portato la Lega al governo piduista che regala soldi a Catania. La Lega dei cafoni per antonomasia che vivacchia sugli applausi ipocriti di gente gnucca stile Madonna di Campiglio, che va in uno scompiglio della madonna davanti a un seno che allatta, ma che osserva senza vergogna le sembianze di Calderoli ministro. E’ qui che l’Italia rivela la sua [more...]

Date: 2009-07-30 10:07:24

Lyrics to The Cave

... Business ordinances for lake helen florida California compensation in workmans California brewery alhambra California dive center san bruno California acne laser skin resurfacing Butterfly drawing for tattoo California centennial [more...]

Date: 2010-06-10 21:15:00

Lodo Alfano: ed ora rimbocchiamoci le maniche | Il blog di Daniele ...

Non c’è più molto da dire. Sottoscrivo l’appello di Antonio Di Pietro e do la mia disponibilità da libero cittadino per aiutare tutti coloro che si adoperano per raccogliere le firme necessarie alla richiesta di referendum abrogativo del lodo Schifo-Alfano. Un invito che rivolgo a tutti per poter svolgere il lavoro necessario entro e non oltre il 30 settembre. Nel video i [more...]

Date: 2008-07-25 07:11:21

10 Results

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ablative / botanical / clearwater / co2 laser / co2 / cosmetic / ematrix / face / fractional non ablative / fractional / jacksonville laser / [more...]

acne / acne scar / at home / before after / camarillo / conroe / cost / cream / dallas / escondido / moorpark / oak view / oxnard / simi valley / technique / temecula / the woodlands / toronto / treatment / ventura / texas laser /