Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about healthy skin

What is the Colon and Why is a Healthy Colon So Important ...

The colon, along with the skin, kidneys and lungs, is a major organ of elimination of toxins and waste. If bowel movements are not regular, waste products and toxins accumulate and can compromise health. Good health is as much a function of our elimination status as the quality of the food we eat. Consider that $400 million is spent annually on laxatives in the United States. Every year 140,000 Americans are diagnosed as having colorectal cancer. About 2 million Americans suffer from colitis, ileitis and diverticulitis; 100,000 Americans have a colostomy each year. Periodic cleansing of the [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 09:05:16

Blog posts (3) | Videos (9)

Healthy Tips, Diet Tips And Recipes » Blog Archive » Easy Tips For ...

Activities at the foot of the most numerous and deal directly with many dirt and germs / bacteria on the floor / shoe. Some foot care tips for staying healthy and beautiful: 1. Do not forget to wash your feet before bed. If you let the dirt stuck to the surface of the skin, the skin can become irritated and infected. So make sure you wash your feet every night with soap and warm water. 2. After washing the feet, do not forget your feet dry. But do not rub, hold the towel slowly. Then wear a moisturizing foot cream (not body lotion). 3. Foot massage. Pamper your feet with a gentle massage. [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 15:03:33

How Can I Eliminate Acne? | Quick And Healthy Diet

Acne—a skin disease that can be your lifetime problem if you left this not treated or improperly done a medication. If could lead you a permanent scars and. ... All of the bacteria can be easily transfer or multiply from one place to another by means of touching, pressing, rubbing or pricking them, so you must avoid it. Just like small wound that make you worse if you touch them. In relation to it, scars can be formed. When you decide to apply for a medical treatment, [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 15:15:59

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