Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about erase wrinkles

The Ten Best Foods for your Skin

Skin boost: Wrinkle Fighter These little seeds offer a payload of omega-3 fatty acids, which erase spots and iron out fine lines. The British Journal of Nutrition reported that participants in one study who downed about half a teaspoon of o-3s in 6 weeks experienced significantly less irritation and redness, along with better-hydrated skin. Beyond flax, salmon is an omega king. Cooked Tomatoes Skin boost: Sun Blocker Lycopene, the phytochemical that makes tomatoes red, helps eliminate skin-aging free radicals caused by ultraviolet rays. Cooking tomatoes helps concentrate its lycopene levels, [more...]

Date: 2010-09-22 21:53:49

Blog posts (4) | Videos (3)

Anti Aging Skin Care: Best Practices By Pat Lowe

There is nothing that can accelerate skin aging as quickly as cigarette smoking. The same holds true for those who are around second hand smoke a great deal. You will find your skin dries and wrinkles quicker depending on how much smoke you are around, be it your own or second hand smoke. The reason for this is because smoking depletes vitamin C from the body. We need Vitamin C to keep our skin looking young, it helps it remain elastic and moist. Another thing you can do is avoid exposing your skin to the sun. Many people will feel their skin is aging normally when in fact it is sun damage [more...]

Date: 2010-10-04 04:34:15

LIMERICKnow…..the Club | Beauty | Golden Egg Productions | Galway ...

Exclusive hand-picked offers, discounts and benefits for our Limerick readers! 1. IPL – Intense Pulsed Light Intense Pulsed Light offers a breakthrough treatment for signs of aging caused by sun damage, such as brown spots (pigmentation), redness (thread veins) and poor skin texture (collagen) and for hair removal, red veins and pigmentation. Pulsed light can quickly remove brown and red areas and stimulate production of new collagen hair removal, red veins and pigmentation. It’s particularly effective when combined with other clinic treatments such as Dermaroller™ and Jet Peel. Skin [more...]

Date: 2010-09-09 08:12:32

The Best Anti-Aging Technique | e health resources

G. R Clay asked: All these years, people have been searching for the elusive magic pill, “facelift in a jar,” or “fountain of youth,” which has become such an obsession that it has spawned a vast assortment of anti-aging innovations like haute skin care lines, wrinkle erasers, cleansing programs, spa therapies, fruit detox, dermatological procedures, not to mention holistic approaches to combat premature aging. Indeed, as most people seek to look ageless, we cannot help but wonder, are people really looking at the best anti-aging technique all along? Given that a person is striving to [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 14:16:58

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