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All About Anti Aging Eye Creams | Lanka Herald

Therefore, this face area needs special treatment with products meant to cover the requirements of the very sensitive and soft tissue about the eyes. Specialists often recommend to make use of a special anti aging eye cream different from the regular one you apply on the rest of the face. The majority of the anti-aging creams contain CoQ10 as an elementary compound, this co-enzyme has proved healing effects at the level of the face, neck and body, by providing a plus of suppleness and light to tired and decayed skin. Beside the anti wrinkle effect of CoQ10 age reducing eye creams, it has been [more...]

Date: 2010-08-21 08:59:25

Blog posts (102) | Videos (48)

Hyaluronic Acid | Quench Your Thirsty Skin

I wasted a lot of money on over-the-counter lotions, serums, and night creams. Eventually I figured out they just weren’t doing anything. Now I know why… they never made it into my skin. Let me explain … Your skin normally holds 10 to 20 percent water. But as you age, that number can drop below 10 percent. And without enough moisture, your skin becomes loose, dry, and wrinkled… adding years to your age. It all has to do with something called hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is the ultimate skin hydrator. It has the wonderful ability to attract water and plump up your skin. In fact, it can [more...]

Date: 2010-09-14 13:04:25

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