Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about anti aging

Calorie Restriction: the Anti Aging Diet

Find the secret to stay young is a popular area of research. Tips on the beaches of the subject matters as they have common sense as a good diet and exercise often on areas that seem most controversial, as are the human growth hormone (HGH) and calorie restriction. Calorie restriction is also known as anti-aging diet, it is based on the theory that people eat fewer calories (and other creatures) are able to slow the aging process is based. The research behind the plan anti-aging The research behind the anti-aging regime in 1934, noted scientist Clive McCay and Mary Crowell name in lab rats, [more...]

Date: 2010-08-27 01:46:04

Blog posts (141) | Videos (142)

Dr. Robert Rubin Interviewed on WFLA-Tampa About "The Oprah Effect"

Dr. Robert Rubin is a hormone therapy physician in both Naples and Tampa, Florida. He is an active member of the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine and has completed the Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.Dr. Rubin shares his time between two BodyLogicMD Florida offices, dedicating both practices to anti-aging medicine, customized nutrition and fitness programs to help women and men resolve menopausal and andropausal symptoms, including weight gain, sexual dysfunction, declining energy levels, and stress.He offers his patients wellness options using bioidentical [more...]

Date: 2009-06-08 22:08:53

Increase Growth Hormone and Regain Your Youth Naturally | Anti ...

Top quality supplements come with more than 1000mg of amino acids per serving. Such supplements can ensure initial effects within 2-3 weeks. They can boost your energy levels, improve lung and heart function, reduce wrinkles, increase libido, improve memory and mood, increase lean muscle, reduce body fat and weight etc., Such supplements are clinically approved and do not have any side effects at all. So, If You Want to Increase Growth Hormone Naturally, Check out the Best HGH Pill that has set a new standard in Anti Aging. - About the Author: ==>>WANT TO GET YOUNGER ONCE AGAIN? HGHAdvanced [more...]

Date: 2010-10-03 16:12:18

Steroids probe | al.com

In her written plea agreement, Pyle stated that she became interested in anti-aging and longevity medicine and opened a small practice called Personal Touch Aesthetic Laser and Skin Rejuvenation Center. In early 2005, she responded to advertising on the Internet and contacted Abernathy Longevity Systems Inc., a company run by Abernathy that was based at the time in San Diego, before he moved to Colorado. Pyle paid $5,000 for training in the field of anti-aging, and Abernathy provided her with two volumes of training materials in March 2005 and agreed to provide support to her staff, [more...]

Date: 2008-05-04 15:08:16

Tennessee Antiaging Doctors, Antiaging Clinics, & General Health ...

Tennessee antiaging doctors, antiaging clinics, & general health wellness is a listing of special medical resources for the State of Tennessee.You can find Tennessee antiaging doctors, clinics, and functional medicine practitioners in this listing, and we will be adding new listings to this page of wellness resources on an ongoing basis.BodyLogicMD listings denote antiaging doctors who specialize in (bioidentical), hormone therapy, as well as other aspects of antiaging health. Weigh To Go Weight Loss Centers Mark Smith, PA-C MPAS- CEO and President 134 Fieldstone Drive Andersonville, TN 37705 [more...]

Date: 2010-03-22 07:00:00

Relacore Belly Fat Pill May Be Anti-Aging Breakthrough

So why are some people calling Relacore the new "anti-aging breakthrough"? Well, as dumb luck would have it, a recent 2009 study published in the scientific journal Hormones underscored the association between stress, belly fat, and accelerated aging. It has long been observed that people who are stressed over prolonged periods tend to look prematurely aged and haggard. (And we're not just talking about extreme stress, we're talking about "normal" everyday stress.) But now the scientific correlation has become clearer due to the results of several extraordinary published scientific [more...]

Date: 2010-08-04 17:34:42

Illinois Antiaging Doctors, Antiaging Clinics,& General Health ...

Illinois antiaging doctors, antiaging clinics, & general health wellness is a listing of special medical resources for the State of Illinois.You can find antiaging doctors, clinics, and functional medicine practitioners in this listing, and we will be adding new listings to this page of wellness resources on an ongoing basis.BodyLogicMD listings denote Illinois antiaging doctors who specialize in (bioidentical), hormone therapy, as well as other aspects of antiaging health. Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAC 304 E Rand Rd Ste 285 Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 847-577-4455Leon Tcheupdjian, MD [more...]

Date: 2010-07-18 07:00:00

Anti aging skin care questions answered

Learn about food for glowing skin and make sure you get plenty of it in your system. We hope these answers will help you make a more informed decision about your anti aging skin care plan. Related: Choosing Anti Wrinkle Creams And Lotions If you read the glossy style magazines or notice the TV ads,  you may well know that there are a ton of anti wrinkle creams in the stores already but it also seems there to be a brand new being launched with some special new organic ingredient. A great deal of...Acne breakouts skin colour treatment ideas Acne breakouts is really a really typical skin [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 10:12:32

Anti Aging HGH Treatment – What You Need To Know

From creams to injections, from using natural products to using products that have been chemically altered and have many ingredients in them what haven’t humans tried to avoid the natural process of the skin aging? Anti aging hgh treatment is one option available. People interested in the whole anti aging treatments often inquire about hgh or human growth hormone a hormone that is naturally produced by a gland in the body. The pituitary gland (where the hormone comes from) comes at high levels during childhood and young adulthood and decreases when we stop growing which usually happens in [more...]

Date: 2010-09-23 15:04:27

Growth Hormone Anti Aging Benefits – Turn Back Your Body Clock ...

Growth Hormone Anti Aging Benefits – Turn Back Your Body Clock … Posted October 7th 2010 at 5:44 am by admin | Growth hormone anti aging benefits are immense. In fact, HGH can even reverse age effects and can make you look and feel decades younger. HGH supplements are the best and safest anti aging treatment till date. View original post here: Growth Hormone Anti Aging Benefits – Turn Back Your Body Clock [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 05:44:56

New Anti-aging Therapy, “turns On” Your Longevity Gene | What ...

After my speech people in the audience surrounded me - asking question after question about TA-65. Even other doctors certified in anti-aging had never heard of this remarkable new anti-aging therapy. I was shocked by the response.a One of the doctors from the audience even started referring to the TA-65 approach as “Dr. Sears’ theory.” I told the crowd about my own personal experience taking TA-65—my vision has improved. I am mentally sharper and most importantly, I feel healthier. They finally realized that there is an alternative to hormone and antioxidant therapy for aging.   [more...]

Date: 2010-07-29 21:24:58

Anti aging HGH | The Top Online Shopping

The commonly held belief by many of the Internet surfers today looking for anti aging HGH supplements is that these strategically marketed human growth hormone anti aging stimulants are all bunk, meaning they are pitched at unsuspecting, trusting individuals that genuinely need the health benefits of such a formula but are only money-making rackets online at the end of the day. We won't say otherwise, but let you judge for yourself about the confidence we have in our [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 04:58:24

California Antiaging Doctors, Antiaging Clinics, & General Health ...

California antiaging doctors, antiaging clinics, & general health wellness is a listing of special medical resources for the State of California. The doctor locations are in alphabetical order.You can find antiaging doctors, antiaging clinics, and functional medicine practitioners in this listing, and we will be adding new listings to this page of wellness resources on an ongoing basis.BodyLogicMD listings denote California antiaging doctors who specialize in (bioidentical), hormone therapy, as well as other aspects of antiaging health. Progressive Family Healthcare Dr. Kevin Clerico 600 [more...]

Date: 2010-01-28 06:52:05

Advice on cycle while on TRT.....

Advice on cycle while on TRT..... within the Life Extension, Andropause & Masters Bodybuilding category. Excerpt: Hi guys, I could really use some advice. Heres the story. I'm 33, 5'9", 195 lbs. Ive been on Doc prescribed TRT (100mgs. Cyp a week) for over a year now. A few months ago I decided to do a fairly mild cycle to break through some plateaus that I'd had major trouble overcoming for quite some time now. I'm fairly experienced & knowledgeable when it... Read more or register here to join the discussion below... Aging is natural, feeling old is optional. Discuss Longevity, Wellness, [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 18:36:03

Anti-Aging Products versus the Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

The most well-known medical anti-aging remedy is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). While there are good arguments for and against HRT, the simple fact is that we don’t really know enough about this treatment to categorically say that’s effective, let alone safe. Anti-Aging Cosmetics While scientists are struggling to explain the aging process, cosmetic companies are going to all sorts of lengths to fight it. There are countless creams and serums, beauty regimes and wrinkle remedies on the market today. Cosmetic remedies such as skin creams should probably not be labelled as anti-aging. [more...]

Date: 2010-10-01 06:47:52

Resveratrol – The Anti-aging Wonder | FruitJuiceNow.com Blog

Longevity proponents are pegging strong hopes on resveratrol anti-aging benefits, as this wonder ingredient has been indicated in some recent research to possess potential life-enhancement properties.  Resveratrol is not a new find; in fact, some medicines in Japan and China have been using it since the 1980s for treatment of wide range of afflictions, including fungal infections, various skin inflammations, and liver and cardiovascular diseases. What is Resveratrol? Resveratrol is a compound found in the skins of red fruits, red wine, grapes, seeds, peanuts, berries (especially, [more...]

Date: 2010-09-29 12:55:22

Anti Aging Supplement, The Best Anti Aging Skin Care Treatments

Eating a lot of fruits, avoiding stress, drinking a lot of water and using natural therapies can delay the aging process. Once the signs of aging start showing up, you should start using some additional measures in the form of anti aging skin care products. The market is full of anti aging skin care products. In fact there are so many anti aging skin care products that they will probably find you even before you find them. Also, with age, the skin undergoes significant change. So you will need to analyses your current skin care procedure to check if it still holds well i. e. if it is still [more...]

Date: 2010-09-21 04:50:30

Anti-Aging is The New Trend in the Fitness Industry…But…Fitness is ...

Anti-Aging is The New Trend in the Fitness Industry…But…Fitness is the New Trend in the Anti-Aging Industry (PRWEB) December 9, 2005 The XIII International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine 2005 opening on December 9-12, 2005 in Las Vegas is the first to offer a Certificate for Fitness Professionals in ‘Anti-Aging Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation’. The American College of Anti-Aging Sports Medicine Professionals (ACASP) is the certifying institute and the workshops are carried by the IFPA/ACASP Fitness University hosted by A4M. Promoting the new certificate, the IFPA points “the [more...]

Date: 2005-12-09 08:00:00

Georgia Antiaging Doctors, Antiaging Clinics, & General Health ...

Georgia antiaging doctors, antiaging clinics, & general health wellness is a listing of special medical resources for the State of Georgia.You can find Georgia antiaging doctors, clinics, and functional medicine practitioners in this listing, and we will be adding new listings to this page of wellness resources on an ongoing basis.BodyLogicMD listings denote antiaging doctors who specialize in (bioidentical), hormone therapy, as well as other aspects of antiaging health. Nedra Dodds, M.D. Opulence Aesthetic Medicine 6572 GA-92 Ste 200 Acworth , Georgia 30102 (770) 591-3429Dr. Allyn Brizel [more...]

Date: 2010-01-30 09:09:17

Natural Anti Aging Supplement | HGH Review

Anti aging supplements are currently one of the hottest health items in the market, and for a reason, with natural anti aging supplements individuals are able to reverse certain signs of aging without harmful side effects. However, not all anti aging supplements are made with all natural ingredients. HGH supplements are composed of ingredients that do not only battle aging, but it also delivers other health benefits. The anti-oxidants inherent in most supplements help prevent the spread of free radicals in the body that would otherwise cause the start and development of certain diseases. HGH [more...]

Date: 2010-08-11 18:43:29

Best Breast Enlargement Cream Breast Sagging « Breast Enlargement ...

The best breast enhancement creamoffers three key benefits to reduce the deformation and to help revitalize perkiness "young" " A retain moisture – a major cause of loose, flabby skin or dry, the fabric is capable of is to retain moisture and hydration. natural aging, free radical damage from oxidation and the hormonal changes of pregnancy can cause damage to both cell membranes or scuffs vital food and liquids. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, aloe and emu oil to penetrate deep into the skin and improve flexibility.Hyaluronic acid, particularly of course in our cells, favoring the [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 10:24:18

Considering The Possible Side Effects Of Growth Hormones | Digital ...

Other anti-aging methods of the past were also accessed despite the negative side effects (for instance…Growth Hormone injections). Some still consider these potentially dangerous methods as a viable option. Some people believe that avoiding the common and natural signs of aging is worth any risk…we do not. We think that non-invasive and safe methods of avoiding the signs of aging are fabulous and worth implementing, but that risking harmful side effects for the anti-aging benefits is far too extreme for comfort. Luckily for us and for you…homeopathic methods come with no known side [more...]

Date: 2010-10-04 08:45:28

The Problem with HGH Therapy

Many people are still not aware that this hormone represents a major anti aging agent that can restore and rejuvenate aging bodies beyond what you are acustomed to believe! Most people who underwent HGH restoration therapy proclaim experiencing a whole new lease on life! The hurdle with HGH restoration therapy is that the hormone is one of the largest natural molecules in the world, and this means you cannot simply take a pill for it; NO HGH pills exist. The only way is to either get a doctor to inject you with the hormone, or to make your body release more of it. The latter way is the better [more...]

Date: 2010-09-30 10:25:02

Anti Aging Supplement | HGH Review

Choosing an anti aging supplement is a great way to obtain youth, without putting yourself at risk for serious harmful side effects. Wrinkles and fine lines have a way of changing a person’s outlook on life. In most cases when wrinkles and fine lines start to show an individual will feel that they are getting older in more ways than one. This is not a coincidence, often times when wrinkles start to show the body’s natural production of the HGH level has plummeted. This can cause an individual to experience age spots, wrinkle lines, saggy skin, decreased energy levels, mood swings, and [more...]

Date: 2010-08-09 18:39:42

Selecting the most effective skin lightening cream

One can easily see many possibilities with regards to precisely what brings about extra pigmentation, or age spots, to build up in exposed areas of the body as you get older, but I suggest disregarding pretty much all those opinions. In the event that that you are probably thinking about easy methods to reduce dark spots, simply reach for the highest quality age spot cream instead. Skincare specialists attribute this specific occurrence on anything coming from the environment to transforming hormones. I truly question that anyone has discovered the true cause, as there would be an Age Spot [more...]

Date: 2010-08-23 13:51:14

The Politics And Economics In Slowing Down The Marketing And ...

Long before the creation of the US President’s Council on Bioethics, in the early 1980’s the FDA had been terrorizing any anti aging programs or organizations. At that time , they were already starting to worry about the problems of over population and in particular the problems with our social welfare systems of Social Security and Medicare. In 1991 Saul Kent and Bill Faloon, the principals of the Life Extension Foundation had products confiscated and were incarcerated. They were told by the FDA that they would turn out to be the target of criminal indictments that would “destroy [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 12:36:35

Wrinkle Removal Treatment | Best HGH Products

Everyone, at some time, will probably contemplate Wrinkle Removal Treatment. Wrinkles are the number one indicator of growing old and the effects of aging is something we all want to hide. What causes the signs of aging? Back in the 1950s the Human growth Hormone was identified as having an intrinsic role in the production and maintenance of cells. Initially this knowledge led to the successful treatment of children with stunted growth by injecting them with HGH taken from dead bodies. Further research has shown that the levels of HGH in the body start to reduce while we are still in our [more...]

Date: 2010-08-29 12:39:50

Discover HGH Anti-Aging Supplements | HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE HGH

Human Growth Hormone can be employed to successfully treat serious conditions like Multiple Sclerosis. Additionally, it may enhance weight loss, reduce wrinkles, and treat heart failure. Unfortunately HGH cannot be employed to treat every condition, but there are numerous conditions it can treat. Your doctor will be able to tell you when it is most effective for you to use HGH supplements as treatment and exactly what the expected results will be for your conditions. If you suffer from MS, or multiple sclerosis, then Human Growth Hormone treatment may be beneficial. Severe side effects may [more...]

Date: 2010-09-24 22:46:28

Natural Anti Aging Supplements – Which Ones Really Work?

DHEA has gained popularity in the same way as a natural anti-aging supplement recently. DHEA is a hormone with the intention of is unaffectedly ended by means of the being group after that bottle be present converted hooked on the hormones Estrogen also Testosterone. at what time a personality begins headed for age, their levels of this hormone activate headed for drop. a number of aver with the intention of supplements containing desire time-consuming the things of aging next to promoting the intensification of muscle, burn fat, also boost the vigor of bones. A consider conducted by means of [more...]

Date: 2010-09-09 20:15:39

Space-Age Discovery Adds 10 Years to Your - Leif Grunseth ...

It activates your telomerase gene, the switch that controls your genetic aging. That means you can actually stop, and even reverse your body’s aging process. I am very excited about TA-65, and over the last several months have been spreading the word as much as possible. In fact, my Wellness Research Foundation recently hosted a special seminar with Dr. Bill Andrews, who is one of the leading telomere biology researchers in the world. He is one of the people who discovered telomerase activation with TA-65. The turnout for this seminar was amazing. We had a packed house. There was limited [more...]

Date: 2009-09-02 06:59:06

GENF20 HGH: Amazing Secret To Anti-Aging Revealed!

www.genf20.com GENF20 HGH works bу revitalizing thе function οf thе pituitary gland tο deliver more growth hormone revitalizing аƖƖ organs οf thе body. Everything јυѕt works better — Ɩіkе a young person’s body. Yουr brain actually thinks уουr young again! Fight body fаt whіƖе firing up thе body’s metabolism, Increase energy levels, Fight cholesterol levels, Improve immune system strength, Offer blood pressure support, Strengthen nails аnԁ hair, Support a healthy immune system, Helps maintain healthy cardiovascular аnԁ respiratory functions, HеƖр diminish [more...]

Date: 2010-09-25 14:47:03

Soyabean: The ultimate solution as a natural anti-aging pill

Most Popular News More and more celebrities opting for Human Growth Hormones'HGH tempted me' - admits Byrd in his new bookHave you heard of Himalayan Goji Juice?Effect of aging on the gastrointestinal systemThe growing demand for HGH in the search for eternal youthSelena Roberts exposes Alex's use of HGH in her bookHormone Therapy found to be beneficial in ovarian cancersGrow taller the natural wayErectile Dysfunction Drugs can be harmfulOmega-3 Fatty Acid and anti-aging Latest News How thyroid hormone is made in the body? The power of meditation in reducing stress Soyabean: The ultimate [more...]

Date: 2010-09-17 06:24:12

Growth Hormone Anti Aging Benefits – Turn Back Your Body Clock ...

Growth Hormone Anti Aging Benefits – Turn Back Your Body Clock … Posted October 7th 2010 at 7:18 am by admin | HGH supplements, on the other hand, are a great way to boost HGH levels. Though they take some time to produce effects, they are devoid of side effects. More: Growth Hormone Anti Aging Benefits – Turn Back Your Body Clock [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 07:18:38

Is the Anti Aging GH3 Hormone Safe to Consume? (Ray A. Rubio)

The anti aging GH3 hormone is a type of growth hormone. It has intrigued the scientific and medical communities for decades. We have a good idea of how it functions when we are young, but how can we harness that power and apply it to the maturing body to slow the aging process? The answer to that question has remained out of reach. The body is extremely efficient in extracting vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from food, converting it to fuel and applying it to maintain a healthy system. Throughout various stages of life, a complex network of glands secrete specific hormones to aid in [more...]

Date: 2008-09-06 08:34:23

The Health Benefits Natural Dietary Supplements, Glyconutrients ...

Super Hi-Sol is accepted internationally as an effective natural dietary supplement for use in reducing fat and slimming the figure. Give your body the best, most natural dietary supplements. Recommended for all who are looking for natural dietary supplement with high content of anthocyanins, carotenes, tocopherols and enjoyable taste. This all natural dietary supplement will help you burn fat in no time. Doctor Tsang's Choice, safe, effective, all natural, discount dietary supplements, vitamins, hormones, herbs, weight loss, homeopathy. This naturally sweet dietary supplement is unlike all [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 08:34:25

HGH Anti Aging Effects

HGH or human growth hormone is naturally created and released by the body. The older people get, the lower their HGH levels drop. This leads to the aging process, which many sadly accept as inevitable. However there are HGH anti aging effects you should be aware of. By increasing the level of HGH in your system, you can regain the vitality you once enjoyed in your youth. In the past, many turned to expensive and risky injections to raise their levels of this hormone. Today, there is a better way to get the HGH anti aging benefits, and that is by using a product known as an HGH releaser. One [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 07:53:07

Growth Hormone Boosters – The Best Anti Aging Cure to Make You ...

People spend billions of dollars in anti-aging products year.The best and cheapest anti-aging growth hormone on the date or hormone boosters.Growth rather depleted growth hormone is the cause of your aging process. HGH or human growth hormone is naturally produced in your body by the pituitary gland and the production begins to decline age. This delay in the production of HGH affects your body can damage cells and tissues that occurs on a normal day to day to restore. This tissue damage unattended age, your body and you old.Hence, one of the best ways to overcome the effects of age, your body [more...]

Date: 2010-08-30 20:03:13

How to Treat Wrinkles – Science Articles – Health

Ah, wrinkles. Wrinkles seem to be the symbol for aging, and they are the focus of nearly every slick advertisement for skin care flashing across your television screen. A preoccupation with all types of lines and wrinkles is likely to start in a woman’s late twenties to early thirties, when she sees the first indica­tion that she’s no longer a teenager. In younger women, the presence of wrinkles is usually linked to a premature degener­ation of collagen and elastin from sun damage. In time, how­ever, everyone, including people who were diligent about sun protection, will end up with [more...]

Date: 2010-09-15 15:28:47

Antiaging Nutritional Supplements – Review Free | Latest New Stories

Also provides a directory of trusted medical centers and spas all over the world. … To learn more about cosmetic procedures, spa services, skin care products and Nutritional supplements, click on PROCEDURES AND… Discover the natural secrets of our antioxidant vitamins, holistic health Nutritional supplements, and herbal remedies that will lead you on the path to a healthier life without pain. … Antioxidant Vitamins and Holistic Health; Nutritional Supplements… I did a series of articles for someone and then they did not buy them. I thought you all might [more...]

Date: 2010-09-22 01:43:04

Methadone Clinics | Is HGH Right for You?

Human growth hormone (HGH) has been called an anti-aging drug. The idea is that the higher levels of HGH in a person’s body, the more IGF-1 their body produces. IGF-1 is responsible for both healing damaged cells and developing new ones. As a person ages, the amount of human growth hormone their body produces declines. This means that one’s body is less able to repair their damaged cells. Cell damage is what causes aging. By taking human growth hormone, manufacturer’s claim that you can force your body to repair the damaged cells that cause it to age. HGH manufacturers claim that HGH [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 17:10:08

Nutritional supplements for anti aging

The Blu Day » What is Anti Aging GH3 Hormone Supplements? GH3 is basically a kind of growth hormone contained in some anti aging GH3 hormone supplements. For a variety of health reasons including – but not limited to – delaying the aging…   Read more… Resveratrol Natural Anti Aging Drug Supplement Triveratrol Plus Resveratrol is a compound found in Dr. Julian Whitaker’s Triveratrol Plus (available since 2007). Resveratrol was a recent topic on CBS’s 60 Minutes as part of a segment profiling res…   Read more… Anti aging for boomers » Grape Seed Extract Is A Great [more...]

Date: 2009-01-28 02:34:00

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