Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about human growth hormone anti aging

HGH Treatment Benefits and Risks | HGH Product Reviews

For instance, there is not enough evidence to recommend HGH injection as an anti-aging supplement. So far, the risks, dangers, and costs are far too great. Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. How Human Growth Hormone Supplements Work? Everyone has seen or heard the various ads about HGH and how it can make you feel healthier and look younger. So is HGH the real fountain of youth that it claims to be? The Science behind HGH Explained By Dr. Ellis Swandveldt The natural HGH in the human body is made up of 191 amino [more...]

Date: 2010-09-27 21:27:14

Blog posts (14) | Videos (18)

Methadone Clinics | Is HGH Right for You?

Human growth hormone (HGH) has been called an anti-aging drug. The idea is that the higher levels of HGH in a person’s body, the more IGF-1 their body produces. IGF-1 is responsible for both healing damaged cells and developing new ones. As a person ages, the amount of human growth hormone their body produces declines. This means that one’s body is less able to repair their damaged cells. Cell damage is what causes aging. By taking human growth hormone, manufacturer’s claim that you can force your body to repair the damaged cells that cause it to age. HGH manufacturers claim that HGH [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 17:10:08

The Politics And Economics In Slowing Down The Marketing And ...

Long before the creation of the US President’s Council on Bioethics, in the early 1980’s the FDA had been terrorizing any anti aging programs or organizations. At that time , they were already starting to worry about the problems of over population and in particular the problems with our social welfare systems of Social Security and Medicare. In 1991 Saul Kent and Bill Faloon, the principals of the Life Extension Foundation had products confiscated and were incarcerated. They were told by the FDA that they would turn out to be the target of criminal indictments that would “destroy [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 12:36:35

Hormone replacement therapy- an Effective anti-aging technique ...

Anti aging techniques can be followed with the guidance of the physicians for better results.  A qualified physician can help in bringing out effective anti aging treatment to all depending on the skin of every individual. Some of us might believe that anti aging treatment is nothing but hormone replacement therapy. This is not a complete truth. Though it involves hormone replacement also the anti aging treatment involves an overall approach to the entire body. It aims at only giving longevity to the individual. Anti aging medicine is a combination of all appropriate certified medicines and [more...]

Date: 2010-09-16 17:59:02

Steroids probe | al.com

In her written plea agreement, Pyle stated that she became interested in anti-aging and longevity medicine and opened a small practice called Personal Touch Aesthetic Laser and Skin Rejuvenation Center. In early 2005, she responded to advertising on the Internet and contacted Abernathy Longevity Systems Inc., a company run by Abernathy that was based at the time in San Diego, before he moved to Colorado. Pyle paid $5,000 for training in the field of anti-aging, and Abernathy provided her with two volumes of training materials in March 2005 and agreed to provide support to her staff, [more...]

Date: 2008-05-04 15:08:16

HGH Plus | Human Growth hormone | Anti-aging Formula

Human Growth hormone (HGH) is a protein-based peptide hormone. HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is believed to be the controlling hormone of many functions and benefits associated with youth, such as vitality, smooth skin, energy and resilience. HGH is naturally produced in the pituitary gland of the brain. Human Growth Hormones is one of the most favorite topics of research in medicine lab. Growth, cell reproduction and regeneration in humans are stimulated by Human growth Hormone. The usual medicine to treat children’s growth disorders and adult growth hormone deficiency is Human Growth [more...]

Date: 2010-09-29 09:16:47

What Really Is The Anti-Aging Supplement Truth? | Health For Americans

Okay, if you have taken anti aging supplements and hopeful to live to forever, I do have some unfortunate story just for you; you can’t block up natural aging. Human growth hormone, simply called HGH, is a polypetide combination that is secreted by the ancient pituitary gland in the Men bodsy. Also surely known that growth hormone levels decline while we get much older. In fact ageth hormone levels in humans 60 or older are only almost one half of that in young adults. Because most families can not afford real HGH therapy, a host of products have become available on the market that require [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 10:26:05

International anti-aging systems

International Anti-Aging Systems is an organization which specializes in anti-aging apart from treating generic issues related to age; for instance, longevity and increase of memory. International anti aging system claims to be world’s largest supplier of specialist medicines and the claim is more or less correct. Apart from this, the system offers quite many nutritive tips which keep aging at bay. Aging is a biological reverse and proper preventive and alternative measures can revert it. IAS gets its specialist medicines worked on and approved by few of the best men in business. They can [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 09:00:57

High e-control

Discuss Longevity, Wellness, Anti-Aging, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Alternative Medicine, Masters Bodybuilding and Nootropics. Sponsored by WhatYouNeedToKnowAboutHGH.com, one of the world’s largest Human Growth Hormone information websites. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about Human Growth Hormone use for life extension and bodybuilding. Visit [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 02:27:04

Holistic Therapies (Anti-Aging Clinics of Florida) - Boca Raton ...

Holistic Therapies Inc., is a member of The Anti-Aging Clinics of Florida and specializes in anti-aging medicine and detoxification. Wendy Lazar, a holistic health practitioner, is the director of Holistic Therapies. Her training includes the study of naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University and additional study in psychology, massage, world religions, and hypnosis. Later Dr. Lazar added work in nutrition and by 2000 was working with clients in the prevention and treatment of diseases related to aging. Joining Dr. Lazar at Holistic Therapies, Inc., is John M. Sortino, M.D., who specializes [more...]

Date: 2007-10-16 05:11:19

Dr Deepak Chopra – Heralded as One of the Top 100 Heroes and Icons ...

Other speakers who have driven the global debate on anti-ageing medicine include Dr Robert Goldman, Chairman, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and Dr Ronald Klatz, Founding President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine; Professor Imre Zs-Nagy, Professor John Ionescu and Dr Michael Klentze. Delegates receive the following:     A high-quality bound conference manual including speaker presentations and biographical materials     Buffet lunch on all three days     An Italian Wine Tasting Evening at 48 Harley St (3-4 mins walk from Conference [more...]

Date: 2010-10-02 16:59:23

Advice on cycle while on TRT.....

Advice on cycle while on TRT..... within the Life Extension, Andropause & Masters Bodybuilding category. Excerpt: Hi guys, I could really use some advice. Heres the story. I'm 33, 5'9", 195 lbs. Ive been on Doc prescribed TRT (100mgs. Cyp a week) for over a year now. A few months ago I decided to do a fairly mild cycle to break through some plateaus that I'd had major trouble overcoming for quite some time now. I'm fairly experienced & knowledgeable when it... Read more or register here to join the discussion below... Aging is natural, feeling old is optional. Discuss Longevity, Wellness, [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 18:36:03

Resveratrol – The Anti-aging Wonder | FruitJuiceNow.com Blog

Longevity proponents are pegging strong hopes on resveratrol anti-aging benefits, as this wonder ingredient has been indicated in some recent research to possess potential life-enhancement properties.  Resveratrol is not a new find; in fact, some medicines in Japan and China have been using it since the 1980s for treatment of wide range of afflictions, including fungal infections, various skin inflammations, and liver and cardiovascular diseases. What is Resveratrol? Resveratrol is a compound found in the skins of red fruits, red wine, grapes, seeds, peanuts, berries (especially, [more...]

Date: 2010-09-29 12:55:22

Cenegenics Is Not About Anti-Aging Medicine-And Their Patients ...

There is a quality of life revolution occurring in a tactful, yet inconspicuous office next door to the spa that is part of the Boca Raton Resort & Club. Amongst the black tie balls and corporate conventions lies this facility that specializes in what they refer to as age management medicine. When you enter their office, the first thing you will notice about the Cenegenics Medical Institute of Boca Raton is that it is unlike any other medical office you have ever been in. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Robert Willix says the do not have a disease based method of operations that focuses on [more...]

Date: 2010-09-09 23:44:36

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