Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about anti aging hormones

Ionic Anti-aging Solutions for Rejuvenation and Obesity. Xanya ...

In summary, the erythrocyte separation resulting from treatments with the Pacemaker Thechology enhances hormonal transport including T3 and GH leading to lipolysis and muscle hypertrophy; 2) RBC;s separation enhances overall level of health by a significant reduction of free radicals. bacteria, fungal forms. etc.; 3) Obesity is characterized by reduced blood flow. The Pacemaker Thechology increases RBC’s separation resulting in normalized blood flow. In conclusion, re-establishing normal levels of blood flow will not only help reduce obesity but it will help reduce the risk of heart attack [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 18:29:33

Blog posts (3) | Videos (8)

Growth Hormone Boosters – The Best Anti Aging Cure to Make You ...

People spend billions of dollars in anti-aging products year.The best and cheapest anti-aging growth hormone on the date or hormone boosters.Growth rather depleted growth hormone is the cause of your aging process. HGH or human growth hormone is naturally produced in your body by the pituitary gland and the production begins to decline age. This delay in the production of HGH affects your body can damage cells and tissues that occurs on a normal day to day to restore. This tissue damage unattended age, your body and you old.Hence, one of the best ways to overcome the effects of age, your body [more...]

Date: 2010-08-30 20:03:13

Methadone Clinics | Is HGH Right for You?

Human growth hormone (HGH) has been called an anti-aging drug. The idea is that the higher levels of HGH in a person’s body, the more IGF-1 their body produces. IGF-1 is responsible for both healing damaged cells and developing new ones. As a person ages, the amount of human growth hormone their body produces declines. This means that one’s body is less able to repair their damaged cells. Cell damage is what causes aging. By taking human growth hormone, manufacturer’s claim that you can force your body to repair the damaged cells that cause it to age. HGH manufacturers claim that HGH [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 17:10:08

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