Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about anti aging diet

The quest for a youth pill - Arts & Culture, Books, The Interview ...

The goal is to slow the rate of aging and postpone all the bad stuff: Alzheimer’s, cancer and heart disease are the three main killers, and then there are lesser diseases, from osteoporosis to cataracts. A true anti-aging drug would also extend maximum lifespan. Q: As you explain in your book, scientists already know how to do all that in animals: cut their caloric intake by a third and they live 30 to 40 per cent longer than animals on a regular diet. A: Calorie restriction (CR) revs up antitoxin defences, and that’s probably at the heart of why it has been shown, very robustly, to work [more...]

Date: 2010-07-21 13:00:53

Blog posts (21) | Videos (21)

Resveratrol – The Anti-aging Wonder | FruitJuiceNow.com Blog

Longevity proponents are pegging strong hopes on resveratrol anti-aging benefits, as this wonder ingredient has been indicated in some recent research to possess potential life-enhancement properties.  Resveratrol is not a new find; in fact, some medicines in Japan and China have been using it since the 1980s for treatment of wide range of afflictions, including fungal infections, various skin inflammations, and liver and cardiovascular diseases. What is Resveratrol? Resveratrol is a compound found in the skins of red fruits, red wine, grapes, seeds, peanuts, berries (especially, [more...]

Date: 2010-09-29 12:55:22

Article directory » Resveratrol Is Key to Anti-Aging

The lining of the cells within the artery are known as the endothelium, and are very sensitive to dietary abuse caused by hydrogenated fats, excess sugar, cortisol and insulin. Damage to the endothelium leads to high blood pressure as well as micro cracks which are filled with foamy plaque, increasing the risk of heart attack. The results of a peer reviewed study published in the online journal PLoS One, resveratrol was found to be a natural anti-aging agent and exhibited many of the same characteristics as calories restriction. This natural defense nutrient is able to act at the genetic [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 20:20:42

Weight Loss and Resveratrol | Tips to lose 15lbs

(18) Including Resveratrol as a supplement just may assist weightloss efforts, but without the diet. Weight loss and calorie restriction have also been proven effective against anti-aging, meaning if we take Resveratrol we may look [more...]

Date: 2010-07-20 21:47:59

Caloric Restriction Method

Calorie restriction is an effective method of reducing calorie intake to slow down the process of aging. It is also known as an anti aging diet plan.  Recent research conducted into caloric restriction concludes that the life span of several animals like (moneys, spiders, rats) is extended in case of calorie intake restriction.  The problem with this anti aging process is that adequate nutrition must be included in your diet when you start the fasting. How Does It Work The purpose of calorie restriction with sufficient nutrition is to improve immunity while increasing the population of [more...]

Date: 2010-09-24 12:32:44

Extreme Acai Berry ONLY $1 USD – Acai Berry Rachel Ray Free | Epic ...

The Acai berry is getting very popular among superfoods, being a supporting supplementation that works very well for antiaging. This berry is growing in the Amazon woods and is high with minerals and vitamins that benefit your health and well-being. It carries 3 times more polyphenol compared to wine and 4.6 times more anthocyanin than blueberries, and a content called cyanidin 3-rutinoside (C3R) that is obtained in the berry offers a larger anti-oxidant effect than carotenoid. So, Acai berry is one of the most strong antioxidant fruits you can perhaps see in the nature. Before you go away to [more...]

Date: 2010-10-06 20:15:02

Calorie Restriction: the Anti Aging Diet

Find the secret to stay young is a popular area of research. Tips on the beaches of the subject matters as they have common sense as a good diet and exercise often on areas that seem most controversial, as are the human growth hormone (HGH) and calorie restriction. Calorie restriction is also known as anti-aging diet, it is based on the theory that people eat fewer calories (and other creatures) are able to slow the aging process is based. The research behind the plan anti-aging The research behind the anti-aging regime in 1934, noted scientist Clive McCay and Mary Crowell name in lab rats, [more...]

Date: 2010-08-27 01:46:04

Weight Gaining Chops Years Off While Calorie Restriction Restores ...

A more recent study published in Science Magazine entitled Extending Healthy Life Span—From Yeast to Humans by Luigi Fontana, Linda Partridge and Valter D. Longo confirms that calorie restriction is highly associated to healthiness and longevity. It has been shown that dietary restriction for organisms like rodents can increase their lifespan significantly compared to those having a normal diet. The same effect is seen when the nutrient sensing pathways are reduced through some type of chemical inhibitors or mutation. So for a rodent both a reduction in the activity of the nutrient-sensing [more...]

Date: 2010-09-14 01:32:08

Life Changing Resveratrol Cardiovascular Health Products That ...

Sirtuins were of late uncovered as a cl*** of enzymes that look like they control the aging process. Researchers discovered came across that this protective  agent increased the life span of yeast by 70%. Additionally, researchers examining resveratrol, of late found it’s way on the front pages of newspapers with their studies showing that resveratrol increased the life expectancy of lab animals by over 40%!  Also broadcased is the news that resveratrol doubled the athletic endurance of lab mice, controlled weight gain, and prevented diabetes. Many resveratrol products are available [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 14:41:31

Anti-Aging Calorie Restriction Plans

Overview Severe calorie restriction is in practice often a dangerous element for dieters which can result in starvation. Adequate nutrition is essential for survival, weight loss and proper health. However, as early as 1934 researchers at Cornell University found louboutin shoes uk that severely reducing calories for lab rats resulted in life spans up to twice as long as normal. In addition, the rats showed fewer signs of aging and delayed the onset of age related diseases. In humans, calorie restriction has been shown to lower blood pressure, fasting glucose and event to lower [more...]

Date: 2010-09-23 06:58:42

Yu-Kym's Blog: Calorie restriction diet

Have you heard of the calorie restriction diet? Experiments on animals have shown that reduction in calorie intake without malnutrition has anti-aging effect. Animals on calorie restricted diets live longer and remain healthier. Consuming excess calories make you age not normally but faster. I won't attempt to explain the whole science behind it. I'm sure you'll be able to find books and articles about this finding that has been supported by research and experiments over the past 75 years. Even if you don't understand the science, have you noticed that people who are overweight tend to look [more...]

Date: 2010-08-21 16:08:00

Calorie Restriction on Raw Foods

Less food…fewer calories…lead to a longer life. Scientists have been proving that calorie restriction slows down aging since 1930s. Calorie restriction… Optimum nutrition. You need to change not just how much you eat…but also what you eat. Calorie restriction with optimum nutrition works. And it’s enjoyable and works best— when you do it on the raw foods. This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 at 8:18 am and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own [more...]

Date: 2010-09-28 08:18:25

Resveratrol is Key to Anti-Aging and Assists Weight Loss Efforts

One of the most important functions attributed to resveratrol is the activation of the anti-aging gene known as SIRT1. Previously, calorie restriction was the only known mechanism thought to positively influence this critical gene, but recent research demonstrates that resveratrol is also able to accomplish this longevity function. Since resveratrol is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, it is able to improve brain plasticity by generating new neural networks. Resveratrol has been shown to reduce the normal rate of neurodegeneration while preventing memory impairment. Further, resveratrol [more...]

Date: 2010-10-04 16:56:00

Resveratrol Anti Aging

Resveratrol Anti Aging by admin on September 27, 2010 You have seen people talking and promoting resveratrol vitamins on Oprah, FOX News, WebMD, and 60 Minutes. You have heard about resveratrol in wed wine, and that it has been dubbed the Fountain of Youth. So why all the hype? According to the researchers of BIOMOL and Harvard Medical School labs a gene called SIRT1 is activated through the Calorie Restricted Diet. Thus it enhances your lifespan. SIRT1 is popularly known as ‘longevity gene.’ Resveratrol grape juice activates this longevity gene in your body. Resveratrol posses the [more...]

Date: 2010-09-27 10:46:42

What to know if this is an Acai Berry Scam? | Epic Diet

Acai has great anti-aging benefits, will cleanse and detoxify you, and has destroyed cancer cells in recent studies. You really can’t go wrong by adding an acai supplement to your daily vitamin regimen. So far it’s working for me by helping my digestion, curbing my appetite, and by giving me more energy each day… I don’t even get sleepy around 3pm anymore. Again, I would avoid any ‘cleansing’ type or juice type supplements, even if they are acai-based. Just stick with a regular 100% acai supplement in capsule form like Extreme Acai to avoid the lower standard products. Despite [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 08:15:02

Arlene Weintraub: FTC Does Little to Curb Anti-Aging Scams | Epic Diet

Arlene Weintraub: FTC Does Little to Curb Anti-Aging Scams My advice? If you see the words “free trial” and “credit card” in the same online ad, you should assume that whatever miracle pill or potion you’re about to order is not actually free. Read more on The Huffington Post Beware Free Trials of Anti-Aging Products Sold on the Web They often mean a big commitment. Read more on US News & World Report Select a [more...]

Date: 2010-10-07 20:15:01

The Anti Aging Diet - Raw Food Health

Home Ask A Question Free Subscription The Raw Food Blog Need Some Help? The Raw Lifestyle Ebook Raw Food Coaching The Vitamix! Good Books Product Suggestions The Basics The Raw Food Diet Escape Disease Weight Loss Success Stories Andrew's Recipes Reader Favorite Recipes Raw Food Videos Food Choices Which Raw Foods Fruit List Cooking Damage Nutrition Fruit Handling Fruity Locations Harmful Diets Lifestyle The Raw Lifestyle Mind Over Matter Caring For Yourself Body Care Hydration Improving The World Save The Earth Organic Gardening Structuring Society The [more...]

Date: 2010-08-04 21:17:32

Anti-Aging: I Will NOT Starve Myself! | Underground Wellness

This is Part 3 of my series on aging and oxidative stress. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2, please check them out. I’ve never been a fan of calorie restriction. Just the thought of it makes me ravenous and irritable. I like to eat! However according to science, my exuberance for forage comes with a hefty price. Food is my best friend. Aging is my worst enemy. Research shows that we can’t have one without the other. Studies on various animals and fungi have consistently demonstrated the benefits of caloric restriction on the aging process. Thus the conundrum: Feed my belly and shorten my [more...]

Date: 2010-09-19 20:18:13

Resveratrol Anti-aging Products That Extend Life

Resveratrol is a defensive compound produced by grape seed, red wine, knotweed, polygonum, raspberries, and other plants in response to environmental strains. Resveratrol is a phytoalexin, a class of substances that kills bacteria and inhibit their growth delivered as a part of a plant’s defense system reversing harmful fungus and disease. In cooler climates, fungal infections are more common, plants grown in cooler climates have a higher collection of resveratrol in their makeup. The resveratrol content of wine is related to the length of time the grape skins are present in the thick of [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 15:43:24

The Anti Aging Diet

However, the changes that are brought on by aging in our appearance, though not unexpected, are inevitable. That is the reason why anti aging products is usually the subject of the day. It is entirely possible to look youthful and not spend too much doing it. The secret to looking younger may just be right on your dining table. The professional health experts agree that the antioxidants are the key to an anti aging diet. Antioxidants are richly found in vegetables and fruits help to fight off free radicals which play a significant role in how old we look. Conversely, you shouldn’t simply [more...]

Date: 2010-09-26 08:57:51

The Benefits of Calorie Restriction | How to Loose Weight Fast ...

Calorie restriction is a type of a controlled diet wherein individuals who practice this particular dietary regimen eat foods with restricted levels of calories but still are rich in nutrients at the same time. Scientists who studied calorie restriction have found out that there was an increase in lifespan among yeast, dogs, rodents and fish that were only given controlled amounts of calories in their food. Currently, continuing studies on primates are being done to find out if calorie restriction may indeed provide the same benefits to them and ultimately to humans but until now, they are [more...]

Date: 2010-10-05 09:30:54

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