
Rank: 721 / 1746

2 selected videos

Anti-Aging Benefits of Q-10 and Creatine

Top NYC cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Judith Hellman is featured on a news segment for her expertise on anti-aging treatments. Found naturally in the body, coenzyme Q-10 has been proven to reduce heart disease. Q-10 is an energy and antioxidant source. As we age, our body's ability to produce Q-10 slows down.

Creatine phosphate is another natural substance found in our bodies. It has become a favorite for athletes and avid gym goers as ingesting it promotes energy and muscle building during high...

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Top Three Signs of Aging with Dr. Hellman on News12

Dr. Judith Hellman is featured on News12 sharing the top three signs of aging and how she treats them. The main signs of aging is sagging skin, discoloration or age spots, and wrinkles. To treat sagging skin, Dr. Hellman uses a new revolutionary technology by InMode called Forma. This non-invasive treatment firms the skin and produces facelift-like results. In order to treat discoloration in the skin, Dr. Hellman uses Lumecca, an IPL device by InMode. Lumecca treats discoloration and brown...

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