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Skin Care Products : How to Compare Wrinkle Creams

voir la vidéoTo compare wrinkle creams, pay attention to their active ingredients, as retinol, hydroxy acids, glycolic acids, acidified amino acids and copper peptide are all things that make up a high-quality cream. Compare different anti-wrinkle creams based on their active ingredients withbeauty advice from a clinical aesthetician in this free video on skin care. Expert: Keeley Selvage Contact: www.keeleysskinsolutions.com Bio: Keeley Selvage has been in the skin care industry for over five years. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 37
Added : 22/12/08 20:07
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Videos (8) | Blog posts (40)

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Best Over the Counter Skin Care Cream

voir la vidéoLearning how to compare night skin care cream products will help you choose the best one for you and your skin. Can you afford to make a mistake? [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min
Added : 17/12/09 19:41
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Mike & Juliet Show 4/08/08

voir la vidéoWatch Dr. Day discuss and compare anti-aging creams. Find out if that expensive cream you are using is really the best! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 10 min 56
Added : 27/08/08 18:10
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My video review for the Neutrogena clinical wrinkle cream that I have been trying

voir la vidéoIm a bzz agent and was asked to try the New Neutrogena Clinical wrinkle cream with Ion 2 complex serum . I have been using this for 4 weeks . I have done a before video on this which can be found in my videos if you want to compare the 2 . I did this video this morning . I have no foundation on or any kind of powder . I am wearing eye make up and lipstick . Anyway here is what I found while trying this great product thanks for looking at the video . Keep in mind that Im almost 50 , I don't expect to look to good but I am striving for presentable lol [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 18
Added : 28/03/10 17:14
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Beauty & Grooming Tips : What Is the Best Wrinkle Cream?

voir la vidéoThe best wrinkle cream is Sothys because it contains both vitamins A and C, but applying calcium from the capsule onto the face is a great way to fill in wrinkles. Find the best anti-wrinkle creams with advice from a professional beauty technician in this free video on beauty and grooming. Expert: Sophia Karimkhani Bio: Sophia Karimkhani is the owner and operator of Sophia Beauty and Barber Salon in Austin, Texas. Filmmaker: Todd Green [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 06
Added : 16/12/08 22:55
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Compare Skin Products for Acne & Anti-Aging * ComplexionsRx San Diego Living

voir la vidéowww.complexionsrx.com Skin Products for Acne and Anti-Aging. Compare over the counter and specialty prescription skin care products from ComplexionsRx. San Diego Living Video. Complexions Rx (CRx) is a one-stop destination for safe, medically directed, highly customized skincare. Skincare product comparison for treating acne, anti aging, skin protection, and wrinkle reduction and prevention. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 40
Added : 05/03/09 20:40
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Dr. Oz|Anti Aging|Best Anti Aging Creams

voir la vidéowww.AntiAgingByOz.com Get the Inside Secrets of Dr. Oz's of Anti Aging Creams NOW!! Learn more at www.AntiAgingByOz.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 53
Added : 14/07/09 15:03
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voir la vidéoDOL MakeOver The Living Make Up 1 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 8 min 45
Added : 01/08/10 22:28
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