le Boudoir du Marais » Blog Archive » Ils ont le look… minimal !
Ça fait un petit moment que je n’avais pas fait de »look homme ». Faut dire que je me demandais vraiment si la rentrée avait apporté autant de nouveautés dans leur dressing que dans le mien… Mais Reda (notre génialissime chroniqueur musical) m’a affirmé que c’était le cas ! il a même ajouté qu’on voit une tendance « leggings pour homme » s’affirmer… Perso là j’avoue que le doute subsiste, enfin subsistait… parce qu’après quelques recherches il semblerait effectivement que les leggings pour homme (les meggins !) soient une « tendance » de [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 07:29:35
Blog posts
The pros and cons of wrinkle creams | Hazels
There are many good reasons to use anti-wrinkle creams. A really good cream is all natural. That is, they have nothing tois synthetic chemicals, preservatives or additives. It should be submitted no statement. A cream such as these keep [more...]
Date: 2010-10-07 16:23:21
What Is The Best Anti-wrinkle Cream? Itas Hard To Say | Queensland ...
What is the best anti-wrinkle cream? Multiple websites exist to prove the best. There are brand-specific websites have their own testing and scientific aproof.a They may include research panels (made up of actual women testers) that have ranked the products for results, ease-of-use, price, etc. There are also websites whose sole purpose is to review the best wrinkle cream and anti-wrinkle cream available to the average woman. There you can find actual customer testimonies, where the products can be found, the price, and the overall ranking as determined by the reviews. Some suggestions for [more...]
Date: 2010-07-15 14:13:31